Hello, Heroes of Bermesiah! We plan on having a scheduled maintenance for content updates. [b][/b] April 3rd 05:00 - 08:00 (UTC+0) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/3a97eefc271fa3e8530606eb5690c9dd86f5a1e1.png[/img] 1. New Chaser Pass (April 3rd After Maintenance - June 12th Before Maintenance (UTC+0)) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/0c52a2d95ec43abd66945c990cd6bdf1f75be04d.png[/img] (1) Chaser Pass Entry [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/d51f22c6dcc37e5f8df138a97362b8c55c4b3f6b.png[/img] - Players can enter Chaser Pass by pressing Chaser Pass found in the right-hand bottom corner of the Main Lobby. - Chaser Pass Mission will be added to the Repeat Mission and will be marked with [Chaser Pass]. - There will be Free Chaser Pass and Premium Chaser Pass. (2) Free Chaser Pass - Players can clear Daily and Weekly Missions to receive Pass EXP to raise Pass Level. - Players can acquire Pass Levels to open rewards. Players can press the Receive button to claim the rewards. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/09e1c1087a717a3e9469f20c67ae11ac4f0559f6.png[/img] - Players can purchase [Pass Level 1 Increase Ticket] to acquire additional Pass EXP equivalent to 1 Level. (Pass Level 1 Increase Ticket Price: 2,000 VP) (3) Free Chaser Pass Reward - Exclusive Reward: Players can receive [Voidal Chaser] Monster Card. [Voidal Chaser] Monster Card: 772 Special Attack / 0.87% Taint Resistance - Exclusive Reward and Chaser Pass Card Select Box, Special Reinforcement Release Scroll, Reinforcement Protection Scroll (+16), and other various rewards. - Players can select 1 of Solar Chaser, Luna Chaser, and Star Chaser Monster Card from the [Chaser Pass Card Select Box]. - [Solar Chaser] Monster Card: 760 Special Attack / 0.40% Taint Resistance - [Lunar Chaser] Monster Card: 475 Attack / 0.40% Taint Resistance (4) Premium Pass [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/b733a7937afa899ce0e655e2a43af2b112bb3546.png[/img] - Players who purchase [Premium Pass] will receive additional rewards on top of the Free Rewards from the Free Chaser Pass. (Premium Pass Price: 20,000 VP) - Players can clear Daily, Weekly, and Seasonal Mission to receive Pass EXP to raise Pass Level. - [Chaser Pass - Seasonal Mission] can only be cleared 1 time during the Pass Period after purchasing [Premium Pass]. - [Premium Pass] will be applied upon purchase and will allow players to receive all rewards up to the Pass Level that the player has reached. - Players can purchase [Pass Level 1 Increase Ticket] to acquire additional Pass EXP equivalent to 1 Level. (Pass Level 1 Increase Ticket Price: 2,000 VP) (5) Premium Pass Reward [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/867f5eac31504e77b5a93d13ccb4cdf7b051cce6.png[/img] - Players can acquire additional Premium Pass Exclusive Rewards. - Exclusive Reward: Players can receive [Voidal Challenger] Monster Card. [Voidal Challenger] Monster Card: 31.50% Critical Damage / 0.43% Taint Resistance [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/e19358a73d42a3b6564ea8a9014410e0df4bfabd.png[/img] - Exclusive Reward: Players can receive [Dizzy Big Head Box Select Box]. Players can use [Dizzy Big Head Box Select Box] to acquire Epic Grade Season 8 Coordi [Dizzy Big Head Box] of their choice. Players can acquire [Raid Dungeon Entry Ticket], [Single Stat Change Support Box], [Berkas' Property Select Scroll] as exclusive rewards. - Players can acquire Another TYPE1 Coordi Outfit Select Box, Another TYPE1 Coordi Weapon Select Box, Single Property Scroll (Lv.85), Chaser Pass: Growing Hero's Title Box, and other various rewards. [b][/b] 1. NEW Dice Dice Baby! Event (After April 3rd Maintenance - Before April 24th Maintenance (UTC+0)) 1) Event Attendance Log [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/a6f1c31999a2bd259e3ba6a65e66fbceedbbe209.png[/img] - Login daily for 30 minutes to receive login rewards. - Acquire Raid Dungeon Entry Ticket, Single Stat Change Scroll, Single Stat Drop Protection Scroll, GP Item Property Scroll, Coordi Fusion Scroll, Special Reinforcement Release Scroll, Another World Dungeon Entry Ticket and other various rewards. 2) Dice Dice Baby! Game [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/82c839e6b4eaf6694e71ef70f0cca9dd7383d75b.png[/img] (1) Dice Dice Baby! Coin [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/6bdaf0a1a877cc52d0d1da8702c77bf55a754ae8.png[/img] - Play Dice Dice Baby! by using the [NEW Dice Dice Baby Coin] earned from playing. - Players can acquire max 10 coins per day. Daily coin rewards will reset daily at 00:00 (UTC+0) - How to acquire: ①Players will receive 1 coin upon login ②Players will receive 1 coin every 20 minutes (max 5 per day) ③Players will receive 1 coin for clearing dungeons at appropriate level range or clearing Hero Dungeons (max 4 per day) - Event Excluded Dungeons: Nightmare Circus, Monster Train 301, Hungry Pets' Revolt, Moonlight Village, Angry Bosses, Talin's Revenge, King Slime Dungeon, Trial Forest, Trial Tower [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/2877da0c3085171448a73125219c6f7a5c2664c9.png[/img] - Acquired [NEW Dice Dice Baby! Coin] will be instantly applied to the Dice Dice Baby! Game Board. (Will not be stored in inventory) (2) Dice Dice Baby! Game Board [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/34cc6cfd1f5c468142229c7781d0c96581b572b9.png[/img] - How to Play: ①Press [Throw Dice] to throw dice. Number of dice in possession will decrease.        ② Character on the board will advance by the number on the thrown dice.        ③ Players will receive the reward based on the landed spot on the board. (3) Double Mode: Dice Dice Baby Bonus Status [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/177acf696f269dcc411d578950c7463a37828d6d.png[/img] - Double mode will be activated when the numbers on the thrown dice are the same. - Players can throw the dice an extra time in Double Mode. - Upon exiting the game client while in Double Mode, the Double Mode will stop and return to Normal Mode. (4) Rewards [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/497e3e5a40e218506b57cf2f703311c09bbd100c.png[/img] - Dice Dice Baby! Game Board is made up of 24 spaces. - Players will receive rewards of the space the character lands on. Rewards will be available in inventory. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/f332fea9d555d46600e4ab49cffd31be25095e93.png[/img] - Players will acquire 1 random item from the list of contents for [Special Item Box]. - [Special Item Box] Contents: Chase Coordi Fragment x3, Epic Reinforcement Stone x1, Lisnar's Prayer x1, Special Reinforcement Release Scroll 1x, Dice Dice Baby! Coin x1, Another World Monster Card Box x3, Harrier Monster Card Box x3 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/27bbfa2584db44524b088e7e4d2bd3f63a6901d9.png[/img] - Players will receive [1 Round Completion Box] in inventory upon completing a lap on the Dice Dice Baby! Game board. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/de4498ffb4f686d58e31ca551958c0de95792c2e.png[/img] - Players will receive one of the rewards inside the [1 Round Completion Box] randomly. - [1 Round Completion Box] Contents: Socket Gem x2, Hero Dungeon Ticket x1, Another World Dungeon Entry Ticket x1, Advanced Rune Summon Chest x3, 100,000 GP Coupon x3, 50% Potion of Wills x1, Demons of Yore Potion Random Box x1, Reinforcement Protection Scroll (0-15 Reinforcement) x1, Reinforcement Protection Scroll (16 Reinforcement) x1, Reinforcement Protection Scroll (17 Reinforcement) x1, GP Item Property Scroll x1 - [Round Completion Special Reward]: Players will receive special rewards for completing 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 laps. Rewards will be available in the mail. - 5 Round Completion Special Reward: GP Item Property Scroll x3 - 10 Round Completion Special Reward: Premium GC Club (7 Days) - 15 Round Completion Special Reward: Epic Glyph Box x1 - 20 Round Completion Special Reward: Individual Property Change Scroll (Lv85) x2 - 25 Round Completion Special Reward: Individual Stat Change Support Box x3 - Players can continue to play Dice Dice Baby! After 25 laps and will receive rewards from landing on spaces and completing laps. [b][/b] 1. Acolyte of Dawn Seal Breaker Coordi (April 3rd After Maintenance - April 24th Before Maintenance (UTC+0)) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/515083cddac3b55881793e2781a59a1c633eb04c.png[/img] [b][/b] 1. Other Fixes - Fixed a bug where the increase in attack for [Increase: Taint Attack LV1] had an abnormal ratio in PVP. - Fixed certain Arme's skills to immediately apply invincibility. - Fixed a bug where some characters did not fall to death even when they have fallen into death pits under certain circumstances. - Improved Sieghart's character descriptions in the Basic Command tab of the Skill Tree. - Improved the buff icon to go on display for Sieghart's Rage Mode in the bottom right. - Fixed a bug where Lime's [Self Defense Aura] attacked enemies behind the character. - Fixed a bug where Lime's [Self Defense Aura] used a ground defense instead under certain circumstances. - Fixed a bug where Sieghart's [Easy Breezy] had invincibility extended under certain circumstances. - Fixed a bug where Ryan's [Nature Commander] had abnormal summon placement and damage display for the summoned wolf. - Fixed Asin's [Coursing Steps] skill effects to be consistent with the tooltip. - Fixed a bug where Rufus' Ranged Basic Attack targeted enemies on floors above in PVP. - Fixed a bug where projectiles from certain skills passes through the bottom most platform in dungeons. - Improved the skill tooltip for Dio's [Effect] Enhanced Superbia 1. - Fixed a bug where Sieghart was unable to use certain skills consecutively while in Rage Mode. - Fixed a bug where Sieghart's Gladiator [Dash Attack LV2] did not connect into the second hit when missed. - Fixed a bug where Ley's [Advanced Jump Attack] caused the character to go below the platform. - Fixed a bug where the hitbox of Ryan's Sentinel [Charged Attack] differed from that of other jobs. - Fixed a bug where the cooldown for Ryan's [Nature Shield] was at 60 seconds. - Fixed the visual effect for Ryan's Viken [Nature Tamer] to be consistent with the damage duration. - Reduced the frequency of monster counter attack based on the number of hits for Asin's [Eastern Rain Liquid Jade] and Ley's summons. - Fixed the crafting materials for Kallia's [Kungji Kungji] in the forge list to be consistent with that of other characters. - Fixed a bug where the Overheat Gauge would not increase when Kallia's [Meteor Strike TYPE2] did AOE damage. - Fixed a bug where the Nudge button would not appear in the waiting room under certain circumstances. - Fixed a bug where players could not acquire the items dropped after defeating the boss in King Fang's Lair. - Fixed a bug where Elesis' [Evasive Slice] could not be used while using [Critical Attack LV1] and [Double Attack LV1]. - Fixed the movements of the boss monster in the hidden stage of Void (Invasion) to be more fluid. - Fixed the crafting of [Voidal Devourer Weapon Box] as Kallia so that a Shared Item would be crafted. - Fixed a bug where equipping the Heir to the Pale Coordi Upper Armor as Veigas caused the character to have an abnormal arm appearance. - Fixed a bug where Lass's [Phantom Blade] had additional hits consume MP. - Fixed a bug where Dio had invincibility extended if special skills were used while using rising attack. - Fixed a typo in the item tooltip for Dimension Guardians Piercing. - Fixed the description for Zero's [Grandark's Domination]. - Fixed the left and right attack range to be equal for Havoc pet skill. - Fixed a bug where KOG B pet skill and Lass's Shadow Vanish caused Dullahan to move abnormally under certain circumstances. - Fixed a bug where Ai's passive skill effect was not applied properly. - Improved the skill description for Ryan's transformation skill. - Fixed a bug where Elesis' Spearman combo attack sometimes caused the character to stop its motions. - Fixed a bug where certain characters lost buffs when using portals that does not advance to the next stage. - Fixed a bug where using Quicksave while in a stance as Zero consumed more Quicksave Gauge than intended - Fixed a bug where Quicksave could be used while using Zero's skills. - Fixed a bug where using Leona Pet Transformation while equipping Ley's Big Head Coordi caused the character's face to have an abnormal appearance. - Fixed a bug where equipping Ley's Spirit Guide Ultima Coordi caused the character's wrist to have an abnormal appearance. - Fixed a bug where Amy's expression had an abnormal appearance when winning in Siren Dance Mode. - Fixed a bug where using Leona Pet Transformation caused certain characters' feet to have an abnormal appearance. - Fixed a bug where Ronan's [Blast Wave] created only 1 fireball. - Improved the skill description for Lime's [Enhance Aura] skill. - Improved the skill description for Dio's [Evil Shock] skill. - Fixed a bug where using Zero's [Unique] in DS Mode caused the next attacks to not work as intended. - Improved the skill description for Zero's DS Counter Enhancement - Fixed a bug where Zero could shift to SS Mode while in FATAL State under certain circumstances. - Fixed a bug where equipping Asin's Serdin Royal Court Coordi Hat caused other parts of the coordi to have abnormal appearances. - Fixed a bug where equipping Asin's Princeon Coordi Accessory caused the character's head to have an abnormal appearance. - Fixed a bug where certain sounds would not be played as intended while playing Kallia. - Fixed a bug where equipping Fallen Angel Coordi on certain characters caused the character to have an abnormal appearance. [b][/b] 1. List of Items to be Deleted during Maintenance on April 3rd (UTC+0) - All [Exploration] for Aernas Great Exploration will end during maintenance on April 3rd (UTC+0). All unclaimed mail will be deleted. Please claim all rewards before the maintenance begins. - Lv.85 Achievement Gift Box - Romantic Gift Box - Strawberry Candy - Grape Candy - Banana Candy - Sweet Candy Box - Unknown Pet Box - Epic Glyph Box - Relic Glyph Box - Brilliant Diamond Box - Ornate Gold Box - Gold Box - Silver Box - Copper Box - Paper Chaser Coordi Outfit Select Box - Paper Chaser Coordi Outfit 2. List of Items To Be Deleted During Maintenance on April 24th (UTC+0) - Epic Glyph Box - Special Item Box - 1 Round Completion Box - NEW Dice Dice Baby! Coin We will strive to create the best experience possible. Thank you.