[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40811643/a00ebef2008bab1031f6f1936b6ff323fed1e1df.png[/img] Hello, Heroes of Bermesiah! [b][/b] 1) Elesis ■ Knight (1st Job) ◇ Skill Changed certain mechanics of [Bravery]. - Improved to be able to use special skill during buff duration. - Improved the Enhanced Command Attack to be basic attacks during the buff duration, allowing for MP recovery. - Added an attack increase effect during buff duration. ■ Sword Master (3rd Job) ◇ Skill [Chaotic Judgement] - Improved the main column of fire to deal the same damage to monsters regardless of size. - Increased the range of the main column of fire. - Increased the damage of main column of fire from the total damage and decreased damage from the targeted column of fire. - Increased the total damage. ■ Savior (4th Job) ◇ Skill Increased attack range of [Round Crash]. [Fated Circle] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Increased the range of the spin attack. - Adjusted the damage of projectiles shot in front and changed to multi-hit. [Chaos Savior] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Increased the range of the spin attack. - Changed the spin attack to no longer push targets and improved so that hits are less likely to miss. - Changed so that Elesis does not fall from the air until the sword's aura is fired. - Changed so that Elesis is able to cancel the motion by dashing after landing. [Annihilate] - Increased the movement speed of the tornado. - Increased the homing performance of the tornado. - Changed the homing condition from 'Monsters with low HP' to 'Monsters closest to the tornado'. - Increased the damage. 2) Lire ■ Arch Ranger ◇ Skill [Big Shot] - Removed the stack damage. - Increased the hit damage per 1 arrow. - Changed the hit count to 1 time. - Increased explosion range upon collision. ■ Nova (4th Job) ◇ Skill [Charging Shot] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Reduced the time leading up to the first attack. - Improved the arrows to fly straight ahead instead of decreasing range width. - Improved the arrows to penetrate targets. [Blood Rain] - Increased the range of falling arrows. - Adjusted the number of hits for falling arrows from 4 times to 7 times in one direction. - Increased the damage. [Buster Shot] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Improved the arrows to fly straight ahead instead of decreasing range width. - Improved the arrows to penetrate targets. [Void Shot] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Increased the speed of the arrows. - Changed the black orb to generate where the arrow collides. 3) Arme ■ Magician (1st Job) ◇ Skill Fixed a bug where [Fear Lv1] and [Fear Lv2] would not hit the target right in front of Arme. ■ Warlock (3rd Job) ◇ Skill Reduced the movement speed of [Tornado] to deal more hits to targets. Reduced the duration of [Fire Ring], but increased the Defense Increase range. [Blizzard] - Changed the attack range from being below Arme to above. - Increased the attack range. [Chained Rush] - Increased the attack range of wind, fire, and ice spirits to be all equal. - Increased the damage. 4) Lass ■ Dark Assassin (3rd Job) ◇ Skill Increased the attack increase duration after stealth from [Invisibility] is deactivated to 4 seconds. [Hyper Sonic Step] - Increased the attack range. - Improved so that players can press the Z key while attacking to consume MP and deal additional attack. - Increased the damage. [Unlimited Blade] - Increased the attack range. - Increased the hit count by 1 and increased the damage. Improved so that all hit range are equal for [Spacial Divide]. ■ Striker (4th Job) ◇ Skill [Quick Slash] - Improved so that damage is dealt to a set area instead of following Lass around. - Increased the attack range. 5) Ryan ■ Druid (1st Job) ◇ Skill [Heaven's Guardian] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Adjusted the time it takes to summon all fireballs to be halved. - Reduced the duration of fireballs for faster hit intervals. - Reduced the duration and explosive damage of fireballs. - Increased damage over time. ■ Vanquisher (4th Job) ◇ Skill [Gatling Spiral] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Increased the attack range. - Improved so that players can press direction keys while attacking to move. - Improved so that players can press the Z key while attacking to consume MP and deal additional attack. - Reduced the damage for 1st~4th damage and increased the damage for 5th~7th damage. - Increased the total damage. [Flash Impact] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Increased the distance moved with skill by a small amount. - Increased the attack count by 1. - Changed so that Ryan does not fall from the air until end of hit. [Power Strike] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Removed the 1st and 2nd hit. - Increased the final explosion attack range. - Increased the damage of hits after the removed hits by the amount of damage lost. Increased the range of the final hit for [Fatal Drive]. [Genocide Lancer] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Improved the visual effects and allowed the lance thrown to penetrate the target. - Improved the lance throw to hit the target at set intervals. - Increased the speed of the lance. - Increased the range of final explosion. - Changed the number of hits for the final explosion to 1. Improved [Furious Storm] so that the target will be dragged to the magic circle during the skill cast. 6) Ronan ■ Abyss Knight (4th Job) ◇ Skill Improved so that the hitbox matches the visual effects of [Soul Wave]. [Abyss Storm] - Changed the tornado to be created on both sides of Ronan. - Reduced the interval of hits. - Improved so that monsters will be dragged to the center of the tornado. [Heaven's Guardian] - Increased the number of targets and the area of effect for teleport. - Improved so that monsters do not counterattack to the teleport damage. - Reduced the warp damage, but increased the final explosion damage. Increased the attack range of [Tornado Stinger]. [Tempest Blade] - Increased the buff duration to 10 seconds. - Added an attack increase effect while buff is active. - Improved MP Recovery by changing the Enhanced Command Attack while buff is active to Basic Attack. 7) Amy ■ Siren (3rd Job) ◇ Skill Added defense reduction effect upon hit to [Pretty Virus] in dungeons. Increased the attack range of [Scream]. [Slap Shot] - Increased the damage per hit. - Increased the number of hits by 1 time. [Idol Stage] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Removed character collision during skill duration. - Increased the ally recovery range. - Added damage over time before the fire bursts. - Increased the attack range of fire and adjusted the interval. Improved the attack range of [Super Star] so that it is all created at the same location. ■ Starlet (4th Job) ◇ Skill [Mystic Flow] - Increased the damage of the projectile. - Improved so that the projectile will not disappear even if there are no enemies. - Changed so that projectile movement angle will be adjusted before it starts to be guided. - Reduced the delay in guiding the projectiles. - Adjusted guided projectile targets to 'closest target to damage'. 8) Jin ■ Shisa (2nd Job) ◇ Skill [Total Smash] - Improved so that the target will not be dragged more than the set distance towards the character. - Changed so that the projectile will be created even if there are no enemies. - Changed so that the created projectiles slowly move forward. - Improved so that normal monsters hit by the projectile will be moved to the center. ■ Asura (3rd Job) ◇ Skill Increased the attack range and damage of [Asura Strike] and [Asura Strike (Enhanced)] [Asura Slicer][Enhanced Asura Slicer][Asura Yang][Enhanced Asura Yang] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Increased the attack range. [Skyfall] - Removed the lotus damage that targets enemies within the area of effect. - Added an attack that hits a large area. - Increased the area of effect of the lotus that is created at the designated location. 9) Sieghart ■ Duelist (3rd Job) ◇ Skill Improved [Rising Weapon] and [Rising Weapon (Rage)] so that directions can be changed by pressing left/right during skill cast. Increased the attack range of [Death Punisher]. [Death Punisher (Rage)] - Improved so that the hitbox matches the visual effects of the first slash attack. - Increased the attack range. - Increased the damage. [Power Liberation] - Improved MP Recovery by changing the Enhanced Command Attack while buff is active to Basic Attack. - Added an attack increase effect while buff is active. 10) Mari ■ Gunslinger (2nd Job) ◇ Skill Changed the [Shockwave] so that only 1 shockwave will be created and have increased range. [High Power Rush] - Changed so that each individual explosion deals separate damage. - Changed the explosion so that it hits only 1 time per explosion. - Increased the attack range. Increased the attack range of [Chaos Beam]. [Ultimate Weapon] - Improved MP Recovery by changing the Enhanced Command Attack while the buff is active to Basic Attack. - Removed the stack effect of Enhanced Command. - Increased the damage of Enhanced Command. - Changed so that explosion occurs at the location of attack of Enhanced Command. 11) Dio ◇ Skill [Hunting Shock][Haunting Shock Damage Lv1] - Adjusted the position of damage for Hunting Shock to be right in front of Dio. - Improved so that the hitbox matches the visual effects. - Increased the damage. [Onrush LV1~LV2][Onrush: Reduced AP LV1] - Reduced the MP Cost per hit by 50%. - Reduced the damage after first loop. - Reduced the damage further after second loop. - Increased the final damage. [Kill Zone LV1~LV5][Sustained Kill Zone LV1~LV5][Enhanced Superbia 1 LV1~LV2][Enhanced Superbia 2 LV1~LV2] - Reduced the duration by 50%. - Reduced the damage interval by 50%. - Reduced the sustained hit damage. - Added a powerful hit at the creation of Kill Zone. - Added stun to special skill. However, Dio will not be stunned. Added 3 small explosions after the final big explosion of [Chaos Hit]. Increased the attack range and damage of [Innocent Fear]. 12) Zero ◇ Skill Improved [Grandark's Domination] so that duration will not be reduced when skill is used while the buff is active. [Shining Gran] - Increased the projectile speed. - Improved so that the target will not counterattack upon contact with the projectile. - Changed so that the projectile explodes upon contact with the target. - Removed the damage from the projectile. - Increased the range of explosion. - Increased the damage of explosion. Increased the attack range of [Bleeding Gash]. Increased the damage of [Zero Domination]. Increased the damage of [Dimension Fissure]. 13) Ley ◇ Skill [Flawless Attack] - Adjusted so that damage individually occurs when Jeeves and his friends attack. - Reduced the damage of individual hits and increased the total damage. - Changed so that enemies hit will be gathered to the center of attack. [Center of Gravity] - Removed character collision during skill duration. - Adjusted the position of gravity field so that it is created above Ley. - Increased the area of effect of the gravity field. [Firebird Splash] - Removed the stack damage. - Increased the projectile damage. - Reduced the duration of guided projectiles. - Changed the condition to create guided projectiles from 'Enemies within range' to 'Set time intervals'. - Guided projectiles will despawn if there are no enemies within range. - Adjusted guided projectile targets from 'closest target to character' to 'closest target to damage'. Increased the projectile count during the duration of [On Target]. 14) Rufus ◇ Skill [Shatter] - Removed the stun effect from the special skill. - Changed so that the enemy hit will be pushed back. - Removed character collision during skill duration. Improved [Crescent Sweep] and [Crescent Sweep: Increased Damage] to have the same hit range. Reduced the stun duration of special skill [Howling Gale] and [Howling Gale: Increased Damage] and increased the attack range. [Make It Rain] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Removed character collision during skill duration. [Increased the Damage of Bloody Gust] - Changed the skill name to 'Bloody Gust TYPE2'. - Removed the Nether Blade attack. - Removed the Bleed effect. - Changed the hit count of the last hit to 1 time. - Increased the damage of last hit. 15) Rin ◇ Skill Increased the magic orb damage of [Light Restraint], [Light Restraint (Enhanced Special)], [Enhanced Light Restraint], and [Enhanced Light Restraint (Enhanced Special)]. [Final Flash of Light] - Improved the hitbox so that the projectile hits the target more easily. - Increased the speed of the projectile. - Changed the explosion hit to 1 time upon collision. [Internal Passion] - Changed the skill so that it deals AOE damage to a large area from the explosion. - Adjusted the damage to fit the enlarged area of effect. [Unstoppable Strength] - Increased the speed and damage of the projectile. 16) Asin ◇ Skill Improved [Additional Special Attack] so that chained skill will have additional attacks for every second skill used. [Fire Drop] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Removed character collision during skill duration. [Awakened Shooting Star] - Reduced the duration of stun for special skill. - Removed character collision during skill duration. - Increased the range of teleport for Asin. - Adjusted the position of teleport so that Asin will always strike the target from behind. 17) Lime ◇ Skill Fixed a bug where [Oracle] does not hit targets right in front of Lime on a low chance. [Nemesis] - Increased the lightning count to 3. - Increased the area of effect. [Blast Hammer] - Improved so that pressing Left/Right keys will allow direction changes during the skill cast until the upward swing. - Added damage to hammer striking the ground after the upward swing. - Increased the attack range. Reduced the duration of stun for special skill [Demolish Hammer]. [Holy Smash] - Increase the area of effect of the earthquake from the last hit. 18) Edel ◇ Skill [Frenzy Sprint TYPE3] - Increased the attack range. - Improved so that pressing Z and Left/Right keys during the skill cast allows direction changes in the next loop. [Assault Pierce TYPE3] - Changed to 3rd Bar Special. - Increased attack range, damage, and MP cost. 19) Veigas ◇ Skill Reduced the time it takes for explosion to form for [Distortion]. Increased the orb speed of [Overdrive]. 20) Decanee ◇ Command (All) [Dash Attack 1] Reduced the area of effect. (PvP) Increased the pushback from [Combo Attack 3], [Critical Attack], [Double Attack], and [Dash Attack 1]. (PvP) Reduced the damage of [Combo Attack 1~3], [Critical Attack], and [Double Attack]. Improved [Domination: Gather] so that targets that are gathered will not be sent behind Decanee. Increased the damage of [Limited Liberation: Slaughter]. Reduced the HP Requirement for Attack increase for [Overpower LV1~LV3]. 21) Ai ◇ Skill Reduced the duration of stun for special skill [Electronic Pulse TYPE1] and [Electronic Pulse TYPE2]. Added 1 Shockwave to [Chain Blast TYPE1] and [Chain Blast TYPE2] and adjusted the damage interval. [Divine Tempest] - Improved so that pressing Z key while attacking will consume MP for an additional attack. - Increase the damage after MP consumption. [Orbital Strike TYPE1] - Increased the bombardment count by 1. - Increased the damage of bombardment. - Increased the interval of bombardment. - Increased the area of bombardment. [Orbital Strike TYPE2] - Increased the bombardment count by 1. - Reduced the damage of individual bombardment and increased the total damage. - Reduced the interval of bombardment. 22) Kallia ◇ Skill Reduced the duration of stun for special skill [Ultimate Smite TYPE1]. 23) Uno ◇ Skill Added stun to special skill [Blood Scent TYPE1] and [Blood Scent TYPE2]. However, Uno will not be stunned. We will strive to create the best experience possible. Thank you.