Another rambunctious round of Weekend Confirmed has arrived! Garnett and "Indie Jeff" Mattas are joined by G4's Nikole Zivalich, and co-host Jeff Cannata rolls in a bit late to help close out the show's second half. This week's hot topics this week include the shake up at Bioshock Infinite developer Irrational Games, some talk about the Elder Scrolls V expansion, Dawnguard, and Garnett professes his appreciation for the unique music maker, PixelJunk 4am. Other topics--from iOS games to Sound Shapes--are tackled, before the cast's Finishing Moves wrap things up.

Weekend Confirmed Ep. 125: 08/10/2012

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Weekend Confirmed comes in four segments to make it easy to listen to in segments or all at once. Here's the timing for this week's episode:

Show Breakdown:

Round 1 00:00:31 â" 00:29:25

Whatcha Been Playing Part 1 00:30:01 â" 00:58:28

Whatcha Been Playing Part 2 00:59:26 â" 01:41:17

Listener Feedback/Front Page News 01:42:20 â" 02:09:57

Jeff Cannata can also be seen on The Totally Rad Show. They've gone daily so there's a new segment to watch every day of the week!

Follow the Weekend Confirmed crew on Twitter, too!

Weekend Confirmed @WeekendConfirmd

Garnett Lee @GarnettLee

Jeff Cannata @jeffcannata

Jeff Mattas @JeffMattas

Nikole Zivalich @nikolez

Remember to join the Official Facebook Weekend Confirmed Page and add us to your Facebook routine. We'll be keeping you up with the latest on the show there as well.

Original music in the show by Del Rio. Get his latest Album, Club Tipsy on iTunes. Check out more, including the Super Mega Worm mix and other mash-ups on his ReverbNation page or Facebook page, and follow him on twitter @delriomusic.