Hello Everyone! :D First and foremost, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has played our first game... so... Thanks for playing our game! [h1]To end? Or not to end?[/h1] It's been roughly a month since we released the game, and let me tell you, it's been a wild ride. From reading reviews, to watching streamers experience our game, to hearing our close friends and family being able to play and share their experiences with the game... I can't find any other words to describe what I feel other than... "Wild". So what's next for IconicArts and GoobnBalloonsDX? Now that the game is out, is it time we sunset the game and move onto other projects? ... Well, we don't think so! [h1]What's Going on now[/h1] It may be hard to believe, but we have (More or less) been finished with GoobnBalloonsDX for about a year. Most of 2024 was spent localizing the game, marketing, getting the games ready for consoles, and bug fixing. Before going through these processes, I never would have guessed how long these things take! 0.0 But even before we finished the last boss of the game, some members of the team were moving on to other IconicArts Projects! It's kinda crazy to say this, but we are well into development of our next two games! :D Over the next few months we will talk more specifically about those games. I only bring them up now to express that... well, it's actually been a considerable amount of time since we have actively made/worked on content for GoobnBalloonsDX! (other than localized assets). [h1]So what does this mean for the future of GoobnBalloonsDX?[/h1] Although we have had many ideas for what we can do with Goob, when it came to MAKING the game we focused on making sure the game came out. We didn't have plans for DLC, or even how we would approach making DLC. Does this mean we aren't going to release goob DLC? Of course we are! :D Let me share some our plans for post launch content for GoobnBalloonsDX. [h1]Our first priority is fixing bugs[/h1] That being said, we do have some bugs to find and squash! Many have already been found in a number of hotfixes we have already sent out! (On PC, consoles will have to wait a little longer! :P) But before anything else, we want to make sure that everyone who has purchased the game has the best experience possible before making new content. [h1]Next priority is a balance/Ease of use patch[/h1] We have made some balance changes already (Like making Immortal balloons a bit easier to deal with, and marking completed levels with a star) but we have a few more ideas of balancing out certain aspects of the game, and we should be rolling out some of those in the coming months. [h1]and finally the NEW![/h1] Again, we didn't plan for DLC when making GoobnBalloonsDX, so we need to build and change some systems in GoobnBalloonsDX to be able to make new content. What I can promise for the near future is this: We are making new accessories to be unlocked! Here's a sneak peak of some spooky stuff we have planned: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43796242/f3b9e9b68786d0c0534f34dd8ec1dea6cedc9ea7.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43796242/8434207541dd02529fecf50b5143015b8cfa891f.png[/img] (Note: these are still in development, and are subject to change) We will also be making new accessories every month or so for the foreseeable future, So look out for those updates! Other than that, We are currently looking into expanding the playable content in GoobnBalloonsDX... However, I don't want to promise anything just yet. Like I said, we need to go back and remake some systems to facilitate new content. When we know we are 100% able to make new playable content, we will let you know! Thanks again! :D - Kris Camp