[h1]Hello Global Farmers![/h1] We are back with an important stability update addressing the most concerning issues of not being able to get into the game, having issues loading maps or having crashes and freezes. As this did not happen to all users it took us a while to figure out those problems. We already tested most of those changes on our beta branch "experimental" with the version 0.8.10 were we could confirm that most issues were fixed. If you having still troubles getting into the game with this update, please get back at use in Steam or via discord, it helps us greatly to make the game accessible to all our players. Thanks to everybody that contributed to help us fix these things. [h2]Version 0.8.11 Change Log[/h2] [list] [*] Routing fix: no more division by zero [*] White field fix: missing material was added [*] Unity version update: increased stability [*] Input System update: increased stability [*] Resolution fixes: - less unwanted behaviour and freezes when changing resolutions - ultra widescreen resolution support [*] Cursed HUD fix: fixed HUD appearing at unwanted places problems that led to freezes [*] Game Credits Scene Switch fix: Changing from Game Credits to Main Menu doesn't make the game freeze anymore [*] Map Editor Delete Mode fixes: - deleted osm fields won't be reloaded anymore with game start. - deleting your own created fields won't freeze the game anymore [*] Small technical refactoring's for planting system and fields [/list] [h2]Outlook[/h2] Besides ensuring playability and technical stability, we are currently evaluating how we can add meaningful progression, content and something to keep you motivated to play more global farmer as we see this as the biggest issue at the moment. There were some great suggestions from our community so far regarding general feature ideas and feedback and we going through them carefully and adding them to the feature request board in the game from time to time. These are the current rankings of your votes and we are analyzing what we should do first and how. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44992191/3ce34e9d70584cd0b4b9f83910767502512954b4.png[/img] And based on your suggestions we added a few more to vote on, check them out in the game: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44992191/82a12d276e8ea8866bc8fc76c684380e4ae72f3c.png[/img] We'll keep you updated!