[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/36388611/42365f910128f3238473159dcfa3ec120cc70087.png[/img] In order to enhance the player experience, in addition to adding new content to the base game, we will also be adding animations and graphics in the upcoming DLC, which may cause a slight delay in the release date. After many days of hard work, we hope to present the new release in a better and more complete form to everyone. Thank you for your patience and support. ※Regarding the Arabic version Due to limitations in the Unity engine plugins currently used in the game, the special text mode (Right To Left) for Arabic cannot be implemented. Therefore, in order to ensure a smooth gaming experience for Arabic players, we will be switching to another game engine that supports RTL, and this porting process may take some time. We will also do our best to improve quality and efficiency. Additionally, the new engine may render graphics and special effects slightly differently than Unity, and we will do our best to overcome these challenges and provide a better overall experience. Thank you again for your support and patience:)