[url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2019663667][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/776247662562426873/A668A4A3A0CB66C085650C59D3D3EA152F62A78A/[/img][/url] Artwork [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2019663667]"Red Letter Day" by jq ue ar y[/url] This update brings many new features for addon creators as well as adds general polish to other parts of the game, such as the Spawnmenu. Resizing the spawnmenu now saves the changes after you exit the game, so you do not have to resize it every time you join a Sandbox server or start a singleplayer Sandbox game. There are also numerous improvements to spawnlist customization, including more intuitive drag'n'drop controls that mimic drag'n'drop controls of your Operating System and inability to delete NPCs, Weapons, Vehicles, Entities and Post Processing effects from their own tabs so players no longer have to rejoin server/restart their singleplayer game if they accidentally deleted something in their spawnmenu. There's also an option to revert any currently unsaved spawnlist changes. A number of Steam Workshop related issues introduced with the previous update were also resolved. You will find the full change list for this update in our blog post: https://gmod.facepunch.com/blog/march-2020-update The x64/chromium embedded framework (CEF) update will likely release sometime after this update, some unexpected issues were found and since fixed, as well as an upgrade to a newer CEF version (80) was performed which is why it was delayed. [quote]This update requires servers to update before you can join them. This means that for a certain amount of time after the update releases you may be unable to join servers and get a message saying "The server is running an older version of the game" instead. You will have to wait for servers to update before you can join them again. You cannot downgrade to a previous version of the game. Please be patient and let server owners update their servers.[/quote]