Thanks to players feedback and steam analytics few problems were found. 1. The first one is about not understanding what to do at the very beginning of the game. It was decided to add a small tutotial to help you with the game step by step. 2. The second problem is about slow game pacing. Buildings are really slow to build. No ability to remove them fast, because of deconstruction process. Drones are quite overloaded with construction and resource movement. The entire construction system was remade. Now you will operate with building constructs. Constructs are created in a factory and automatically moved to the building store (left menu). If you have free constructs you can place and remove them freely. New game now gives you a bunch of constructs instead of raw resources as before. Even if you out of constructs, you can place a building layout. Also you are free now to create logistic links, change recipes even for layouts. No more need to wait until building placed. There are still no such features as fast building removal (without entering building UI). All these features and improvements are planned for release and pre-release demo version.