[b]Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday[/b] This week we have a new release of our species introduction videos (aka cultural sensitivity training) to show you, this time it's the Dyonai. [previewyoutube=AL7I8OCzCPg;full][/previewyoutube] Conveniently this week's condition was the [url=https://blog.galacticare.com/condition-research-journals-dyonian-plague/]Dyonian Plague, which you can read about here. [/url] Hope you've enjoyed this week's focus on the Dyonai, they play a massive part in Galacticare and we can't wait to see what people think about each species once the game is out there! Don’t forget we publish a new deep-dive blog post once a month, and more weekly explorations (including daily Condition Research Journals) across our [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@galacticare?ref=blog.galacticare.com]TikTok[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/Galacticare]Twitter[/url], and [url=https://discord.gg/brightrockgames?ref=blog.galacticare.com]Discord[/url].