[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35765399/ce0da7512f9146a708f6ed82357e83085e25acd0.png[/img] This is a big update! I've received [i]a lot[/i] of feedback, and I hope that this update addresses a good chunk of it! Have fun! [b]New[/b] - Added (Controllable) Cars in Sandbox - New overall color/look - Added gravity adjustment in World Settings - Added "Ignore Build Collisions" cheat - Added Destructible Brick Wall - Added Rickie skin - Added Grey skin - Added Rainbow Berry skin - Added Glass skin - New Glass shader/material - You can now change the overall color of block items - Added Defender Spawner Flag - Added Explorer Spawner Flag - Added Player Goal Flag - W, A, S, D, And Space Bar input can now be changed - New icon [b]Changed[/b] - Set grey is the default ragdoll player skin - Flying is snappier and more precise - Ragdoll faces are slightly bigger - Ragdolls don't make vocal sounds when dismembered - Slow-motion when losing or winning is slower - Player movement is more precise and less "floaty" - Changed color of Stupid Spawner Flag - Adjust left buttons on mobile UI - Removed Bloom post effect - Reversed lens distortion - Renamed "Slow Motion in Play Mode" to "Slow Motion Anytime" in Cheats [b]Fixed[/b] - Fixed black screen bug on iOS!!! - Ragdolls no longer ignore world collisions when worlds load the first time - Refined the specular texture on Ragdoll skins - Fixed unintended jump when respawning - Item placement is faster and less prone to intersecting objects - Fixed black screen when starting the game for some users - The main menu launches when opening the game if nothing displays for ~16 seconds - Placeholders no longer collide with objects when exiting Build Mode - Cheats menu no longer resets values - Fixed camera colliding with the goal area - Optimized overall graphics - Optimized Player Goal - Refined Ragdoll search method - Optimized Ragdoll navigation mesh when worlds load the first time