[h2] 🌨️ Frostpunk 2 | PATCH 1.1.0 - “QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS” Is Now Live! 🌨️ [/h2] [h3] Frostpunk 2 Update v1.1.0 [/h3] [h3] 21/10/2024 [/h3] Greetings, esteemed Stewards of Our Cities! The winds of change are upon us, and they bring not just frost, but a flurry of improvements to our frozen world. We are thrilled to announce the release of our first major update since launch - [b]PATCH 1.1.0 | QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS! This substantial update is a direct result of your invaluable feedback[/b], for which we are immensely grateful. Your voices have been heard, and the city grows stronger for it. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41041469/be98acd8926a307f18a2cb87209352b76976a3ea.jpg[/img] [h2]🔧 Patch Highlights[/h2] Stewards, your voices have been heard. We've been closely monitoring your feedback across social media, Steam reviews and forums, and Reddit, and we are happy to present a host of improvements that directly address your concerns. Some of the key highlights include: [list] [*]🖥️ Edge scrolling is now available as a setting, [*]👥 Construction and frostbreaking can now be cancelled [*]🏙️ District outline colours are now different depending on the district [*]🌄 Nomads are now more visible in the Prologue, and frostbreaking is no longer performed by machines [*]🔥AutoSave can be disabled, and its frequency can be changed in the game settings [*]🛠️ Large-scale optimizations have improved game performance, DirectX libraries have been updated, and a macOS stack overflow crash has been fixed. [/list] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UKyI4sS.gif[/img] The frozen landscape of New London is now more navigable than ever. You asked for more control, and we delivered: edge scrolling, cursor lock, and enhanced camera responsiveness are now at your fingertips. The Frostbreaker, once limited, can now carve out desired swathes of land, giving you unprecedented freedom in shaping your city. For those who value precision in city planning, rejoice! You can now cancel constructions, allowing for quick adjustments to your grand designs. And to keep you informed of your city's progress, ongoing research is now prominently displayed in the Idea Tree. We've expanded your view of the frostland with an extended Cartography range, letting you plan your expansions with greater foresight. And for those unexpected situations, you now have more control over your game saves, with customizable AutoSave frequencies and the option to disable it entirely. The visual clarity of your city has been enhanced, with district outlines now color-coded for easy identification. In the Prologue, you'll notice the Nomads are more visible, adding to the immersive experience of your city's origins. Performance has been a key focus, with large-scale optimizations aimed at smoothing out your gameplay experience. We've updated our DirectX libraries and fixed critical issues, including the pesky macOS audio crash that some of you reported. These highlights are just the tip of the iceberg. Dive into the full patch notes below to discover all the ways we've refined your Frostpunk 2 experience. Your dedication to the survival of New London continues to inspire us, and we can't wait to see how you'll lead your cities with these new tools at your disposal. [img]https://i.imgur.com/42h982T.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41041469/4930aac629e34177e058ea82baa6002df6857dc1.jpg[/img] [h3]📜 Full Patch Notes[/h3] [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] Changes to address imbalances between Progress and Adaptation: [list] [*] Slightly decreased Oil to Heat ratio in Tier 3 Adaptation generator upgrade. Intake Optimization should now always correctly prioritize the selected fuel. [*] Increased Oil to Heat ratio in Progress Generator Trier 2 and 3 [*] Steam extraction outputs decreased: [list] [*] Steam extraction from the district lowered from 100 to 80 [*] Steam extraction from the expanded district lowered from 125 to 100 [*] Steam extraction from Geothermal Plant lowered from 120 to 90 [*] Steam extraction from Unfiltered Geothermal Plant lowered from 150 to 110 [*] Steam extraction from Deep Geothermal Plant lowered from 200 to 170 [/list] [*] Adaptation cornerstone no longer reduces the Heat demand of Steam HUBs [/list] [*] Enacting a Cornerstone now adds 2 fervour to the faction that is aligned with the opposed affinity [*] Increased Deep Deposits amount [*] Mass Produced Goods now also affect the Main District [*] Apex Workers now also apply to buildings [*] Temperature drop in Prologue now occurs later on Citizen difficulty level [*] Unified stockpile limits in Colonies between Scenario and Utopia Builder to 30.000 [*] Adjusted Fractured Gorge Main District area to allow proximity bonuses for up to 3 districts [*] Fixed never expiring negative Trust modifier after using "Rush Research" [*] Fixed "Boost Research" ability of Pharmaceutical Testing Lab Building [*] Modifiers reducing Workforce requirements in districts and buildings should not reduce the number of Workforce produced by Automated Workforce Factory [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] [b]Frostbreaking can now be performed on any number of cells up to 8[/b] [*] Community Actions will be offered more often in Council negotiations [*] New Consequence Arcs are awaiting Steward when the following events happen [list] [*] Keeping the generator off for too long when there are available fuels [*] Promoting a Faction only to Raise Funds afterwards [*] Repeatedly failing promise quests for a hostile Faction [*] Condemning and promoting the same faction in quick succession [*] Failing too many votes after granting an agenda to the same Faction [*] Quelling a protest after negotiating with a Faction and making a promise [/list] [*] Addressed a possible softlock if the player found and used all Steam Cores before Chapter 4 [*] Having simultaneous quests to pass a policy and repeal the opposite policy will no longer be possible [*] Having multiple promise quests to the same law (research, pass, repeal) will no longer be possible [*] It will not be possible to promise to pass a policy that is already on the agenda for the next Council voting session [*] Promises about fuels won't show up if it's not possible to use them with the current Generator upgrade [*] Enclaves and Watchtowers built in them cannot be demolished or deactivated after the relocation of Faction has been completed [*] Enclaves are no longer available for construction in colonies under certain conditions in Utopia Builder [*] Improved prologue onboarding by separating quests [*] Adjusted the timing of the 'Survive the Whiteout' quest [*] Story Arcs and other events are now properly unlocked after finishing a Civil War in Utopia Builder [*] Detainees are no longer able to express their feelings about the City's situation [*] Detainees will return to the society after serving out their sentence [*] Negotiations and Grant Agenda proposals will now be prioritising city needs next faction/community affinity [*] Messages about consequences won't display during Whiteout [*] Factions now provide proper bonuses to the city if the Steward maintains good relations with those factions [*] Food sites on Frostland are now properly disabled during Whiteout [*] Further fixes and improvements to Peace Accords [*] Enforce Peace ability can no longer be used when Prisons are disabled [*] The Asbestos Lining message no longer displays false information about Prefabs gain instead of Prefabs cost [*] The Deploy Seers ability no longer displays false information about decreasing production efficiency [*] The Triumphant Return message no longer displays false information about population increase [*] The Night of Broken message now contains information about which faction has been attacked [*] The Oil Tombs message is no longer displayed twice if the Steward tries to extract it again after choosing "No, let the dead rest" without leaving district building mode [*] The Partial Measures message no longer displays once the Birthing Programme is enacted [*] Ending a Protest will be no longer negotiable if one is already collapsing due to Quell or Counterprotest [*] Cornerstone messages should no longer appear for opposite affinity [*] Opposite faction message foreshadowing protest after Whiteout will no longer occur after the Whiteout [*] Deteriorating Infrastructure message will no longer appear during Faction War [*] Factions will no longer drop their relations from Devoted to Hostile if certain conditions are met [*] Sending people to a colony when there is already an active people transport will now be properly blocked when there is another people transport active for another colony [*] Requested Protests will now be dropped if a Faction that requested it is not present in the city [*] Improved automatic workforce allocation logic [*] Fixed infinite Trust exploit [*] Fixed Round Up ability consequences appearing too late [*] Fixed Adaptation Generator upgrade 3 negatively influencing Intake optimisation [*] Fixed The Fort Century outpost not providing proper resources after upgrading it to Settlement [*] Fixed some outposts not being upgraded to settlement instantly [*] Fixed possible Faction War softblock if Steward repealed extreme law and enacted it again [*] Fixed Round Up ability being possible to use multiple times on paused game stacking up its effect as a result [*] Fixed Peace Accords sometimes not being registered as passed in Utopia Builder [*] Fixed the 'Relink the Chain' ability from being permanent and stackable on some occasions [*] Fixed "Colonise the Frostland" statistic objective sometimes not updating when Statistics are going down [*] Fixed some broken promises from being looped [*] Fixed abilities that require Guards from not being deactivated when having less Guards than it's needed to activate them [/list] [b]Interface[/b] [list] [*] [b]Constructions can now be cancelled[/b] [*] [b]Ongoing research is now displayed and highlighted in the Idea Tree and on the Idea Tree button[/b] [*] [b]Cartography view camera range extended[/b] [*] [b]AutoSave can be disabled in the game settings[/b] [*] [b]AutoSave frequency can be changed to 50/75/100/150 weeks in the game settings[/b] [*] [b]Edge scrolling is now available as a setting[/b] [*] [b]Cursor lock is now available as a setting[/b] [*] [b]Camera responsiveness control settings are now available[/b] [*] Default settings of camera have been tweaked to achieve higher responsiveness; can be changed in the General settings tab [*] Building demolishing refund is now displayed in the Demolish tooltip [*] [b]Abandoning a colony now has a confirmation popup[/b] [*] Improved construction panel icons for better clarity [*] Moved Buildings overlay to button 9 (default) [*] Improved Buildings overlay visuals [*] Added information about starting district construction from the deposit if the district requires one [*] Improved critical faction fervour readability [*] [b]District outline colours are now different depending on the district[/b] [*] Unavailable choices in the Frostland site panels are no longer greyed out [*] A "Connect Skyways" button has been added when Skyways are researched [*] Improved Policy buttons input area [*] Colony guidance sites on Cartography view should be less confusing now if there is more than one colony in the same direction [*] The economy overlay will no longer remain visible for the entire cutscene if the player enabled it at the beginning of the cutscene [*] Delegates facts will now be less repetitive [*] Sending people to a colony is no longer blocked when there's active transport underway [*] Dragging the mouse cursor to screen edges will no longer display macOS system menus during gameplay [*] Fixed the resource transfer button not updating when clicking the +1/-1 buttons [*] Fixed some modifiers not being displayed in some game localizations [*] Fixed golden highlight not being visible on already researched nodes on some occasions [*] Fixed construction tooltip not updating its state properly upon cancelling selected cells [*] Fixed area expander tracker being visible during cutscenes [*] Fixed the same building being previewed for construction upon selecting different buildings on the construction panel without reentering it [*] Fixed abilities on community panel not greying out when conditions to use them are not met [*] Fixed some modifiers from showing up empty on tooltips [*] Fixed random option sometimes not generating a random map for Utopia Builder [*] Fixed random option never picking 'Build a prosperous future' ambition [*] Fixed the 'Meet Demand' button sending more resources than intended on the resource transfer panel [*] Fixed visible tags on the Council description of independent communities in the main scenario before the second faction forms in the city [*] Fixed possible softlock when Player left HoD during Voting using keybindings [/list] [b]Art[/b] [list] [*] [b]Nomads people will be more visible in the Prologue[/b] [*] [b]Frostbreaking in Prologue is no longer performed by machines[/b] [*] Art improvements to Advanced Shaft Coal Mine [*] Optimised Windshields generation [*] All Logistics district arms are now properly snapped to the terrain [*] Food District pipes will now properly connect with the ground [*] Reduced size of Buildings platforms [*] Adjusted sites and outposts 3D models in Frostland view [*] Improved visual details during Rally in a district [*] Level 2 Generator visual improvements [*] General Zoom Stories and City Life Improvements [*] Shadows improvements in Winterhome area [*] Dreadnought Colony visual effects fixes [*] Fixed some artworks not matching the messages [*] Fixed Rail Hub floating on some occasions [*] Fixed toxic fumes persisting visually after they have been dealt with [*] Fixed buildings constructed in the Logistic district not appearing on the district arms after expansion [*] Fixed levitating skyscrapers in High-rise Housing district [*] Fixed some Cartography view pins for colonies [*] Fixed districts overlapping with deposits on some occasions [*] Fixes to HUBs Zoom Stories [*] Other various fixes & optimizations [/list] [b]Audio[/b] [list] [*] Added audio notification for when exploration finishes [*] Added audio notification for when HoD recess finishes [*] The player will no longer be called Steward after becoming a Captain [*] New voiceovers implementation [*] Replaced Scrappers voiceovers [*] Voiceover language is now configurable independent of written language [/list] [b]Other[/b] [list] [*] [b]Large-scale optimizations on the entire game aimed towards smoothing game performance[/b] [*] [b]Updated game DirectX libraries[/b] [*] [b]Fixed macOS audio stack overflow crash[/b] [*] Users are now informed if their changed graphics settings exceed the recommended settings [*] Fixed crash related to validating Districts components [*] Fixed crash related to visuals batching [*] Fixed crash related to district construction [*] Fixed crash related to communities trust modifiers [*] Various minor optimizations [*] Achievements fixes [*] Localization fixes [*] Analytics fixes [*] Twitch integration fixes [*] Mod integration fixes [/list] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qKVMQ7J.gif[/img] [h2]🗣️ Your Voice Matters 📢[/h2] This update is [b]yet another early testament[/b] to the power of [b]community's feedback[/b]. We are committed to continually improving Frostpunk 2, and your input is crucial in shaping the future of New London. If you believe Frostpunk 2 is heading in the right direction with these changes, [b]we would love for your voice to be heard.[/b] Please consider leaving your review. Your positive feedback not only motivates our team but also helps other potential Stewards discover our frozen world. [quote]"In the face of endless winter, it is not just our city that evolves, but the game itself. Your feedback fuels the generator of progress." - 11 bit studios[/quote] We extend our heartfelt thanks for your continued support and patience. Together, we're not just surviving the frost; we're mastering it. Stay warm, stay vigilant, and may your decisions be ever wise. Remember that in your city, every small improvement can mean the difference between survival and oblivion. Your role as Steward is more crucial than ever! [img]https://i.imgur.com/niwg1rI.gif[/img] [h2]🎮 11 bit studios Games on Discount![/h2] As we roll out this major update, we're excited to announce that our collective sale has also begun! [b] From October 21 to November 4, 2024, you can get Frostpunk 2 at 10% off, [/b] and dive deeper into the frozen world with the original Frostpunk at an incredible 85% discount (82% off for the GOTY edition). But that's not all! Our other thought-provoking titles are also on sale: [list] [*] The Invincible: 34% off [*] The Thaumaturge: 40% off (all-time high!) [*] INDIKA: 20% off [*] This War of Mine: 80% off [*] Moonlighter: 75% off [*] Children of Morta: 70% off [*] And more! [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1601580/Frostpunk_2/?curator_clanid=32989971 Don't miss this opportunity to experience our unique blend of meaningful entertainment at special prices. Whether you're expanding your Frostpunk collection or exploring our other worlds, now is the perfect time to dive in! Yours in frost and in fire, The 11 bit studios Team