[b]NEW MAJOR GRAPHICAL UPDATE[/b] In this brand new update, there are a few new things to go over in terms of new features. There are: [list] [*] Brand new event images [*] New text font overhaul [*] First FootCareer soundtrack [*] Increased amount of event possibilities [/list] [b]Brand new event images[/b] With the brand new event images update, every event has an image that visualizes the current event to the player, creating a more dynamic yet retro gameplay experience, and enhancing the football career immersion. There are a total of 10 different images dedicated to specific possible events a football player may go through, in a classic, retro artstyle, so if retro gameplay is something your interested this update is perfect for you! [b]New text font overhaul[/b] The font in the game before felt out of place, and it lacked texture. Now, we have introduced a brand new pixel art based font style which fits the game perfectly now, completing the retro simplistic gameplay look. Now with the font, assets within the game do not feel as out of place as they used to, and now all blend together really nicely! [b]First FootCareer soundtrack[/b] Introducing our first FootCareer soundtrack out of a planned 5, it creates more flavour and passion when you simulate your career and immersing you deeper into the gameplay, it truely brings a fresh new feeling to the game [b]Brand new event possibilities[/b] There are now some more possible events your player can go through! There are now a variety of shoe and energy drink companies that can sponsor your players, and different things like parties and sickness that cann effect your players form and dynamic within the team.