[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43787911/77e4a505ea7d7b34b1b0c8d90dfc7f2ff9e45728.png[/img] Dear Players! Thank you for playing Folk Hero and letting us know about problems. With your help we have collected a huge number of bugs, most of which have already been fixed. We also take into account your wishes on balance and progression, and have made some important changes. We will continue to improve the game, as well as add new content to make the game even better. We would also like to ask you to leave a review about the game on Steam, we are very interested in reading your opinions and it helps us to make the game better! Below you will find a list of changes and improvements in this patch. We have combined several versions at once, for easy understanding. Thanks again! Version 1.0.20 Changes Progression: 1. Added a limit on the maximum number of enemies depending on the size of the location 2. Reduced merchant price increase after opening new locations 3. Reduced the prices of Talent columns 4. Increased the amount of reputation received for opening locations Fixes: 1. There will always be a Rune merchant in the first generation 2. Reduced the percentage of items falling from enemies from the blessing of the Kikimora 3. Changed the values of alchemist's potions (XP = 30 units, Max XP = 20 units, Crit Damage = 20 units, Stamina 15 units). 4. Added item drop on locations with elites 5. Removed saving active Talents for each class separately. Now changing the active talent - will change it for all classes. 6. Improved the interaction of arrows with the environment and enemies. Added a separate, reduced Hitbox for interaction with the environment 7. Changed Hero Shield's duration time to 1.5 sec, instead of 2 sec 8. After killing a Boss, a Rune and Item will always fall out 9. The chain mail did not protect from some types of damage, now it gives full invulnerability. 10. Reduced the damage from the Waterman's Tail 11. Slightly reduced the movement speed of Boggarts. 12. Firebird grains now fly longer 13. Added disabling Screen Shake 14. Reduced the value of the Medical Dressing item 15. One of the merchant items will always be Active 16. Increased the value of the Hunter's Amulet 17. Increased damage from Archer mines and the speed at which they are planted 18. Warrior's jump damage and preparation speed have been increased 19. Slightly increased Rogue's movement speed 20. If you have the item " Thorn" and step in a spark of fire or bleed, you can get huge damage and the game may crash. 21. Revival Talent, Revival Blessing, or Living Water item may not work. 22. Silver could disappear before its time 23. The Leshy's Blessing that gives armor when using wells may not work 24. Achievements for killing with one bomb by Archer and one jump by Warrior did not work. 25. The Achievement to Kill 6 enemies at a time with a rogue's ulta did not work. 26. Health potions did not work 27. Invulnerability after revival may not work 28. Dexterity and Armor talents did not work on characters with default values of zero. 29. The Perfect Attack talent did not work 30. Talent Healing did not work 31. Rune assassination tasks were saved for each class separately 32. Arrows hit invisible ghosts in the Castle 33. When disabling the gamepad, the Pause window was disabled 34. The three dots to show all items did not work 35. The whetstone was not counted in the Achievement to pump the first skill Recruit (Achievement for Warrior) 36. The time of action of the Chain mail and Fast walkers depended on the Cooldown, because of which the effect could disappear before the time, if you reduce the cooldown by Hourglass. 37. Pressing Pause while bleed sparks or other sparks were falling could create a huge amount of sparks and kill the enemy in the pause. 38. In the Achievement Kill 4 enemies in one dash Robber was written 4, but actually needed to kill 5. Now matches the description 39. The Firebird quest was not interrupted if you missed the maximum allowed number of grains 40. Archer's Ulta may have failed to deal damage to an enemy 41. Koschei's waves were not interrupted after defeating him 42. Koschei's Skulls did damage through Defender's Shield 43. Swamp Traps could appear at the location where the Character appeared. 44. Whetstone could lower the level of a weapon when completing an Achievement. 45. Video sound did not respond to volume settings 46. The player could move during the dialog with the Cat, after the video 47. Slug's shooting range on the swamps was too long 48. The aiming was not pointing at the rats in the Castle 49. The bridges on the swamp were overlapping the directional arrow of the Character 50. Healing delay from the Medivac dressing was too long 51. UI layout in inventory for Skills windows sometimes displayed Runes incorrectly 52. Damage from effects did not pass through the Defender's Shield 53. Lever might not appear in Babai's quest in the Wastelands 54. Babai's text in Blessings was mixed up 55. At the Forge in the Castle it was written Lever 56. When selecting a character, it was possible to open an inventory that did not carry any information 57. In the window of sending to the Island, if you put the mouse cursor over No and press the spacebar, it still sent to the Island 58. If you talked to a villager and moved away from him, you could still sometimes hear his voice by pressing the Interaction button. 59. During transitions, you could see the Guardian Spirit's Tail flying in from another corner of the Map 60. Flies from the Fly Caller did not move if you moved the Fly Caller. 61. Mermaid had an incorrect interaction trigger. 62. Quests at Baba Yaga's House appeared and were done for Video 63. Repulsion Spark did not drop when combining Repulsion and Fire Rune 64. Quest texts were disappearing too quickly 65. Forge Stones were not visible behind trees 66. Enemies in the swamp could appear on the edge of the screen 67. The fly caller was flying too fast 68. The Healing Stone had the wrong stroke color 69. Werewolf in the forest was dealing too much damage. 70. Inventory item navigation was not working correctly 71. The shield effect of the Strong Log was not removed when giving the log to the Leshy 72. The Fat Man in the Castle could explode by himself in the distance. 73. In the Wastelands, instead of the Runes icon, there was an Alchemist icon. 74. Yaga gave latex gloves after the true ending 75. Red bushes did not disappear if triggered several times but did not do damage 76. Mermaid text disappeared too quickly after receiving Blessing 77. Fixes in localizations and texts 78. Merchants and exits might not work next to the dead soul of Badger for Tugarin's quest 79. The second spirit guardian might not appear during the transition 80. Sirin could give Amber 2 times after the quest 81. Small stones in the swamp interacted with the player and arrows 82. Items could get stuck when dropping from Bosses 83. 2 cursors could appear in the talent window if approached by different characters 84. By hitting the Fat Man in the castle, you can raise the kill combo and restore the item Healing Stone. 85. In the Wastelands, instead of the quest text of Firebird, the text of Sirin was shown. 86. The shield effect of the Sturdy Log item could not be displayed correctly in some locations. 87. The quest Light the Stones of the Forge could show 4 Stones instead of 3. 88. Kikimora could give Latext Gloves, which only Yaga gives 89. The unnecessary non-working button Select in the list of items Boatman 90. Intro video cut off at the end