[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43787911/184df91ce756ce046c6445e5f6a7959d98d9c2b6.jpg[/img] Dear friends! Thanks to you, we continue to improve the game and fix certain bugs. We thank each and every one of you for your interest in Folk Hero and for helping us improve the game! On behalf of the entire team, we congratulate you with the upcoming holidays. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Below you will find a list of changes and improvements included in our New Year’s update: Version 1.1.0 1. Added four special character traits and conditions for unlocking them. You can get a separate Steam achievement for obtaining each of these traits. - “Curiosity” - when unlocking the entire map, the amount of gained reputation increases by 100% - “Mastery” - increases all active talents by one level - “Versatility” - allows you to select additional talents - “Eccentricity” - arranges unlocked talents in random order each time 2. All character classes got their own unique skins for each trait. 3. Added festive decorations for the starting location. 4. Improved text localization. Changes 1. Warrior can now be unlocked by upgrading Strike to level 4 instead of 5 for Recruit, Defender and Rogue. 2. Archer can now be unlocked by applying 4 different runes instead of 5 to the Recruit's Shooting. 3. Trainer on the beach will remind you to spend Reputation. 4. To unlock the Medical Dressing, you now need to go to the Lowlands. 5. To open the first Place in the camp now you need to either go to the Den or open a new class. 6. To open the second Place in the camp now you need to either go to the Crater or open a new class. 7. Blessings are now displayed on the UI. 8. Active talent icons are now displayed in the character stats window on the UI. 9. Improved quest texts. 10. Valerian health replenishment value has been increased. 11. Increased the delay before hitting the Boar in the forest. 12. Increased initial character armor. Fixes 1. "Piercing Throw" Achievement was not executed if it was not completed the first time. 2. Characters at the campfire switched incorrectly from the Gamepad. 3. Merman's tail was not on the ground after being hit in Phase 2. 4. The ground in the swamp could sometimes not be displayed in the right place. 5. The camera was shaking from enemies hitting each other. 6. Some enemy corpses could stand up after walking between locations. 7. Ghosts in the castle could hang or get stuck in the wall due to Magic Powder. 8. Curse sound was not playing when some rune effects were triggered. 9. The sound of the Wasteland Mage's movement could remain after his death. 10. The invulnerability effect could appear stretched out. 11. If you returned to the Hub from the Base, the sequence of Locations could be broken. 12. The silhouette of a Recruit's Shield could be seen at the Bonfire. 13. Fly Summoner did not have a minimum range for shooting. 14. Items near the transition could not be picked up. 15. The position of the Sword or Bow behind the Recruit's back could be displayed incorrectly. 16. The numbers under Heroes' Skills did not change according to the selected class when switching characters at the campfire. 17. The trail from the Rogue's Thrust did not rotate in accordance with the character's direction. 18. During transitions between locations could display a white bar on the HP bar. 19. You could not pass through broken barrels in the Wastelands. 20. The Leshy in the Base spoke the wrong words. 21. When hitting the Merman, the sounds of receiving damage were not reproduced.