[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43787911/a162ed2defe6a2ba68ef78d1af4aa532689715e4.jpg[/img] Heroes, it’s time to review the results of the Big Winter Poll 2024! Today we’ll find out who are those brave souls who decided to become the conquerors of the Mysterious Island. Let’s start our research! As it turned out, the majority of the adventurers are between 24 and 35 years old, they make up [b]39%[/b]! Another [b]38%[/b] believe that they’re still too young to die — they’re between 18 and 25 years old. And [b]23%[/b] of our players turned out to be in their full bloom — over 35. [b]85%[/b] of the conquerors of the Island are brave heroes. Hey, fair maidens, keep up! [b]38,5%[/b] of the heroes who took the survey in English turned out to be from North America and [b]30,8%[/b] are from Western Europe. Please note that we’re talking only about those who completed the survey in English! [b]69%[/b] of respondents combine the fight against evil creatures with work, and [b]23%[/b] with studies. The remaining [b]8%[/b] haven’t yet decided, which means that they can spend more time in the game. It’s not bad, when there’s always someone to guard the order of the Buyan island! Most of our noble warriors learned about the mysterious world of Folk Hero from Steam recommendations ([b]71%[/b]), [b]23%[/b] watched a review of the game on Youtube and decided to try it out. The majority of players, [b]77%[/b], spend a couple of hours a week playing Folk Hero, and [b]23%[/b] admitted that they could disappear into the game for a couple of days. And how often do our players play video games in general? 3-4 days a week is enough for [b]38,5%[/b], [b]38,5%[/b] spend more time, about 5-6 days a week, and [b]23%[/b] play every day! Most of the respondents are fans of the roguelike ([b]100%[/b]) and action ([b]92%[/b]) genres, RPG ([b]77%[/b]) and casual games ([b]54%[/b]) are also in the top. In addition to Folk Hero, glorious warriors love such games as Baldur’s Gate 3, The Witcher, Borderlands and Vampire Survivors. The holidays are coming up, so we congratulate you, Heroes! Thank you for your ideas and suggestions, as well as for your attention to detail — you are helping us make the game better! Best regards from the Folk Hero team!