[b]Firewatch comes out on February 9—a week from today—and you can now preorder it on Steam![/b] It's priced at [b]$19.99, with a 10% preorder discount[/b], and is also available as a [b]discounted bundle that includes the soundtrack[/b]. For more details about Firewatch, we've [url=http://www.firewatchgame.com/]relaunched the official site[/url] including a [url=http://www.firewatchgame.com/about]FAQ page[/url] and [url=http://www.firewatchgame.com/media]tons of screenshots and videos[/url]. We’re really excited that Firewatch is finally approaching its release, and we can’t wait to hear what you all think. Thanks for being patient while we put all the finishing touches on this thing and got our launch plans worked out! ːsteamhappyː