
Although the Britain of tomorrow will be merely the county of Kent surrounded by 100-foot high razor wire, I am confident that the BAFTAs will endure forever. Long-established and highly coveted by the black tie crowd, they’re one of those award shows which tend to reward the already successful, which can make them rather safe and predictable. Still, bar a deluge for PS4 system-seller Uncharted 4, this year’s crop of nominations isn’t quite as staid as it might have been.

The darkly delicious platform adventure Inside [official site] is the PC title that scores the most winks. I can get behind that (though John very much would not), but it’s good to see the likes of ABZU, Stardew Valley, EVE Online and Hitman nominated, alongside the more predictable likes of Dishonored 2, Firewatch and Overwatch. Mind you, I think pretty much every game that pierced public consciousness last year has some kind of nod here.
… [visit site to read more]