[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459756/705985d05c8b0770993fb637475ce54555fa6ca6.jpg[/img] It is with great pleasure that we present the preliminary patch notes for Patch 6.4─The Dark Throne. [i]* Additional features will be implemented in future updates: Blue mage, variant dungeon, criterion dungeon, Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures quests, Manderville weapon quests, and splendorous tools quests updates are scheduled to be released in Patch 6.45.[/i] [url=https://sqex.to/yfSDC]Read the preliminary patch notes on the Lodestone.[/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459756/d898e7f3f64e42382708d0de573804ec1fe8eb22.png[/img]