
A controller modder has managed to play Final Fantasy XIV's Machinist class using pistol controllers from a special edition of Final Fantasy X-2. It's undoubtedly one of the more immersive ways we've seen someone play the job in the popular MMORPG.

YouTuber Louis 'Super Louis 64' Hamilton got his hands on an FFX-2 controller that's modelled after protagonist Yuna's Tiny Bee pistols. He explains on Twitter that he wanted to make a controller that made spamming the Machinist's Hypercharge ability "super fun by shooting like Devil May Cry 2" but went "too far" and developed a queuing system so he could pull off full-blown rotations.

"The triggers were first mapped to the RT and LT buttons to pull up the sub-menus for the ability," Hamilton explains. "I had to reprogram the guns themselves to actually work in FFXIV. Using the controller's d-pad, we can set up a combo that pressing the trigger would do. For example, pressing left on the d-pad queues up all left d-pad abilities whenever I pull the trigger."

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