We've just integrated a brand new mechanic that adds a layer of depth and consequence to battles. Now, when students flee in battle and bring dishonor upon our esteemed school, you'll face a crucial decision: forgiveness or enforcement of seppuku. This addition brings a whole new level of strategy and moral dilemma to the game. Will you choose to show mercy and forgive those who falter in the heat of battle, understanding the pressures they face? Or will you enforce the strict code of honor, ensuring that those who bring shame to our school pay the ultimate price for their actions? It's a decision that will test your principles and shape the destiny of your school. So, which path will you take? The choice is yours, and the consequences will be profound. Let's uphold the honor of our school together!" 🎮🏯 [previewyoutube=A8RRgY_vLi0;full][/previewyoutube]