If you ever wanted to know how the [strike]sausage[/strike] art is made, you now can with our latest insight into Farthest Frontier! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39536362/e100a59a32a8e1f6ab3381d559be4728ab054200.jpg[/img] You will also be pleased to know that [url=https://www.farthestfrontier.com/guide/]Farthest Frontier’s official Game Guide[/url] (much like [url=https://www.grimdawn.com/guide/]Grim Dawn’s[/url] before it) has just gone live! You can check it out for in-depth information on many of the game’s systems! Read on in [url=https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/journey-log-08-how-the-art-is-made/115296]Journey Log #08 - How the Art is Made[/url].