[h1]Update 38:[/h1] [h2]Player comfort improvements:[/h2] [list] [*]Adjustment of the font of the main buttons [*] New XP bar display under the hunger bar [*] Tutorial progress display [*] The "Take" button is now hidden when disabled [*] Adjustment of the position of the help when you put your mouse on your currency in the inventory [*] Sellers now have a name [*] Now, the more males you have of an animal breed, the more likely you are to give birth to a female (and vice versa) [*] XP adjustment in the tutorial [*] You can now remove a greenhouse [*] Great improvement of the dog's path finding [*] Added gallop sound when using a mount [*] Adjusted the position of the "Cancel" and "Confirm" action in the key assignment menu [*] Now you have to be at least level 4 to access the auction house [*] Changed progress icon [*] Added sound effects for vehicle engines [/list] [h2]Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed confirmation popup when removing ploughed land [*] Fixed text overlay on some NPCs [*] Fixed the description of wool points [*] Fixed a bug on Grapes / Apples harvesting [*] Fixed the "Open/Close" popup that sometimes stayed on the screen when exiting the pen [*] Fixed the building for making meats [*] Fix the animals can now cross the extended land plot [*] Fixed "binding ..." text in settings [/list] [h2]Preparing for the feature: visit your friends' farm[/h2]