Free the bean with The Prisoner costume!
Author: armed_joy,
published 3 years ago,
Tumble through the labyrinth of the Blunderdome, bounding from platform to platform...with one eye on the Crown! We’re celebrating the end of Fall-o-Ween with some roguevania realness, as the exclusive The Prisoner costume spirits into the store for a limited time from October 29.
[h2]Grab The Prisoner costume - 29-31 October[/h2]
Embrace the powerful purple energy of The Prisoner, as you swap the island’s mysterious jail for the jungle-dome of tumbling fail! Without the ‘Hand of the King’ to worry about, you can focus on securing the Fall Guys crown for yourself...
[*] The Prisoner (Top) - 5 Crowns
[*] The Prisoner (Bottom) - 5 Crowns
Keep your eye out for it...and we’ll see you in the Blunderdome.