We have good news for all those users of Valve's handheld consoles, Steam Deck or Steam Deck OLED, who want to play Exographer. This 2D exploration adventure game is fully compatible with the Steam device. Enjoy Ini's adventure on an alien planet and discover all the secrets that this science-inspired metroidvania holds on the go, with all the original game's features, controls, text and resolution adapted. Exographer has a 2D gameplay, full of puzzles and platforms, with pixel art graphics and an evocative soundtrack composed by Yann Van der Cruyssen (Stray). The powers we get, the characters we meet, the locations throughout 6 atmospheres and more than 20 levels and the particles we must discover are based on particle physics. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44899177/50d1c9f58b2030dc6fd2bfaee87c6768391b2c68.jpg[/img] Why is Exographer not yet listed as verified for Steam Deck? At the moment, the SciFunGames title only appears on Steam listed as compatible. However, the game is fully optimized for the handheld console. This means that all controls have been adapted, the screen resolution is perfect for the game, and the texts have been revised to improve readability, both on the regular model and on Steam Deck OLED. Valve is verifying games for Steam Deck progressively, and we cannot be sure when it will be Exographer's turn. However, we can guarantee a 100% compatible and optimized experience on this machine. And let us add that enjoying this exploration adventure anywhere is a plus. If you do not own a Steam Deck, you can also enjoy Exographer in portable mode on the Nintendo Switch version. Remember that the game launches next September 26 and you can already add it to your wishlist, and enjoy the free demo.