[url=https://www.evolutionrts.info/583/resource-layouts-extraction-schemes-visual-representation-and-how-i-fixed-it/][img]https://i.imgur.com/nwMkYOO.jpg[/img][/url] [b]The Issue:[/b] Mappers currently take a shotgun approach to resource layouts. They try to put resourcing locations in strategic places, and try to define resourcing amounts that will work for for most, if not all games using the spring engine. Unfortunately, that approach will generally work well for one game, and be fairly mediocre for others. [url=https://www.evolutionrts.info/583/resource-layouts-extraction-schemes-visual-representation-and-how-i-fixed-it/]Read More...[/url] If you like my updates, consider [url=https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=EvolutionRTS&loc=en_US]subscribing[/url] so that you can get updates sent to your email!