If you wanted to buy #EvilNunTheBrokenMask, now is the best moment to do it! 💸 You can get it with the early access REDUCED price and furthermore, if you purchase it during the first week, you will get a 10% DISCOUNT! 👀 You can also get a FREE DEMO on #Steam to try out big part of the game before buying it! Isn't that cool? 🔨 Only 3 days left for the worldwide launch of our beloved Evil Nun for PC! Are you ready? Add the game to your wishlist and don't miss this opportunity! Remember: If you buy the game now you won't have to pay never again and you will get all the new content FOR FREE! 👇 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39052709/3e8ab40ce1b4c439e2d132ecf358d3f1fd094b78.png[/img]