This update has a number of small bug fixes and improvements. Thank you to users for reporting these and helping replicate these issues. [list] [*] Fixed bug where game boat's engines were not sounding [*] Fixed bug where anchoring was not working in Mooring Sandbox [*] Improved physics fighting between mooring lines with stern-to mooring [*] Anchoring - improved holding especially on sloping or slimy sea bed [*] Jib now should unfurl easier if on the leeward side. [*] Yaw now made to bring the stern quarter to the wind (blows the bow away from direction of wind) [*] Added Change Password text to button on Edit User Screen [*] Quick Start now says “(Advanced Users)” [*] Edit User screen now has shortcut to force Registration Completed. [*] Alert added when an Add-on is installed referring user to new tutorials. [*] Alert added when adding mooring lines before fenders. [*] Added a check to stop fenders being rigged after mooring lines. [*] Changed eSail Pro tutorial wording to refer to new Etincelle pump and tank being quarter full on new boat. [*] Added new Etincelle fuel pump. [*] New boats now get quarter tank of fuel. [*] Made all dashboard mode buttons pointer click (not pointer down). This might prevent bug where cannot change mode. [*] Bug fixes for setting sleeve colors and winches while doing central mooring [/list] 2.3.206 2.3.205 (Test 17/8/2023)