Fellow Survivors, Earth Appreciation Festival is live, and here's what it's about: [i]In recognition of World Earth Day on April 22, 2024, we’re dedicating this week to celebrating the beauty of our green planet, and the marvelous diversity of life as we see it and as we imagine it. This year’s selection of nature-themed games shows off the Earth at its best, and inspires us to protect the environment that we all depend upon. On the other hand, with climate change, pollution, overpopulation, and conflict, the future of our planet’s delicately balanced ecosystems is far from guaranteed. Just take a look at the games we collected offering a glimpse of the dire possibilities that show how much we'd miss our natural world if we lost it forever.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44535526/c29c605f599c35216229cafe213d8184a8c05dca.png[/img] Here's an excerpt of an interview with Gentlymad Studios' co-founder Mathias Guntrum about the close connection between Endzone and climate change: [b]What significance do games and the gaming industry have for climate change/climate protection?[/b] We think that the immersive nature of games sets them apart, enabling them to address societal or global issues, such as climate change, in a profound and direct manner that surpasses other forms of media. Unlike passively consuming information from films, clips, or news, games engage our senses actively, fostering a deeper connection with players and provoking thoughtful reflections. However, there lies a delicate challenge in handling such topics. Striking the right balance is essential, as games primarily need to be enjoyable to captivate audiences. "Serious Games" or "Edu Games" have sometimes faced criticism for prioritizing educational goals or themes over the overall fun and game quality. Nonetheless, there are successful counterexamples that prove it is possible to integrate meaningful content seamlessly into the gaming experience. [b]What inspired you to create your city-building game "Endzone – A World Apart" and "Endzone 2"? [/b] We generate ideas for our games through a collaborative process. It was similar for Endzone, where we noticed that the theme of climate change, the societal debate surrounding it, and the overall topic of the post-apocalypse resonated strongly within the team. From there, the idea emerged to develop a survival city-building game that poses the thought experiment: "How bad can it get when everything goes wrong?" The premise of the game, therefore, becomes a thought experiment and a warning at the same time. [b]How do you see it: What changes are needed in the gaming industry, or what could be done to bring the topic of climate change/climate protection more into the spotlight? [/b] Every action counts! Whether it's addressing the issue through games, direct involvement, or donations, anything is better than nothing in the battle against climate change and the perceived societal powerlessness against it. As part of the entertainment industry, we must be aware of the significant opportunity we have to contribute to the change, which we cannot afford to let slip away. Take care and stay safe.