Greetings Commanders. Happy to share some much anticipated news and information with you this morning, regarding the release date and schedule for Update 16. [b]Release Schedule[/b] [PLEASE NOTE A MINOR DATE SHIFT] Update 16 will now be releasing [u][b]Tuesday, August 1st 2023[/b][/u]. [list] [*] 06:00 BST – In game server downtime warning broadcast will start. [*] 08:00 BST – Elite Dangerous 'LIVE/4.0' Servers will go offline and the Update 16 update notes will become available. [*] 16:00 BST – Elite Dangerous 'LIVE/4.0' Servers will return online and Update 16 will be Live and available for you all. [/list] Download Size Information: Approximately 3GB See you on release day! o7 and a wonderful day to you.