Update 14 Update Notes and Release Tracker
Author: Frontier Developments,
published 2 years ago,
Greetings Commanders.
With Update 14 arriving today, here are some key ports of information ahead of deployment.
[b]Release Time Approximations (UTC)[/b]
7:00 Both Elite Dangerous Legacy (3.8) and Live (4.0) Servers are down.
15:00 Servers return. Update 14 Deployment will be live and available to download.
If you wish to follow along the release discussion and latest updates on progress, you can do so by heading to the topical Forum Thread at:
(3.8) Legacy Update 14 : 164.7 MB
(4.0) Live Update 14 : 4.8 GB
Total combined Update 14 ONLY size : 4.9 GB (Legacy and Live updates combined).
[b]IMPORTANT NOTE:[/b] If you have not installed a full download of the 'Live (4.0)' game client in advance of Update 14 deployment, the client itself, minus the Update 14 download size, will be around the 50 GB mark.
You may wish to ensure 'Live' is downloaded and installed prior to Update 14 release, if you have yet to do so.
[b]ADDITIONAL REMINDER:[/b] Due to the nature of this deployment, we'd like to highlight previously shared information on 'Live' and 'Legacy' modes, formed as part of this major update.
You'll find all the information on Live and Legacy for Elite Dangerous here: [url=https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-14-and-beyond-live-and-legacy-modes]Elite Dangerous Update 14 and Beyond: Live and Legacy Modes - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.[/url]
So without further ado, please head to the following article to view the Update 14 Notes: [url=https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-14-release-notes]https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-14-release-notes[/url]
o7 Commanders.