Greetings Commanders, You may have noticed two small updates since the launch of the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Alpha. These were to implement two hotfixes with the following changes: [b]Day 1 Hotfix[/b] [list] [*] A fix for an issue preventing some transportation missions appearing [*] A fix for a crash when using the search function in the Galaxy Map [*] A fix for a crash when going into Supercruise [/list] [b]Day 2 Hotfix[/b] [list] [*] Improved loading time on system map [*] Fixed an issue with some transportation missions not generating for settlements [*] Fixed an issue where some missions would not spawn required items correctly [*] Fixed a crash when the graphics configuration is modified to use invalid texture settings [/list] Thanks for your feedback so far, we hope you'll continue to enjoy the alpha! o7