Horizons and Odyssey '4.0' | Launches Tomorrow
Author: Frontier Developments,
published 2 years ago,
Greetings Commanders.
As many of you are aware, we’ve outlined our plans to enable Commanders the option to launch Horizons and Odyssey, both as version 4.0, available for all PC players.
This means that all Commanders entering into the Galaxy on 4.0 versioning for Horizons and Odyssey (already 4.0) will be able to engage in the Aftermath narrative phases, enjoy four-player multicrew, see the graphical and UI improvements and much more!
[b]To recap our latest statements:[/b]
ELITE DANGEROUS '4.0' ACCESS ON PC FAQ : [url=https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-40-access-pc-faq[/url]
UPDATE 13, NARRATIVE AND ACCESS TO 4.0 : [url=https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/update-13-narrative-and-access-40[/url]
[b]Now, the other important bits...[/b]
[*] Our schedule for release of the updated versioning to 4.0 for Horizons and Odyssey is planned for tomorrow.
[*] Exact information on Server Downtime will be available as part of an additional release of information, early tomorrow morning (Approx 9am BST).
[*] We estimate downtime to be approximately 3 hours but this information will be shared more precisely tomorrow.
We're excited for this next step in the Horizons and Odyssey experience!
o7 Commanders.
See you in the black.