Elite Dangerous - Update 18.09 | 19 September
Author: Frontier Developments,
published 3 months ago,
Greetings Commanders,
This Thursday (19 September) we will be releasing Update 18.09 for Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 players on PC.
[h2]Release Schedule (All times in UTC)[/h2]
[list][*] 07:00 - Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers offline
[*] 10:00 - Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers online and Update 18.09 available[/list]
[h2]Update Notes[/h2]
[b]Bugs/Adjustments [/b]
[list][*] Increased clearance for SRV's when deployed from the Type-8
[*] Improved planetary landing checks for Type-8 allowing easier landing in both manual and auto-landing
[*] Fixed Mirrored Armour not showing in outfitting for Type-8
[*] Fixed outfitting and livery camera orientation for Type-8 in VR
[*] Fixed issues with orbit lines when toggling them off [/list]