Elite Dangerous | Type-8 Update (18.08) | Wednesday 7th August 2024
Author: Frontier Developments,
published 5 months ago,
Greetings Commanders,
A new update will be available for Elite Dangerous on Wednesday 7th August.
[h1]Release Schedule (All times are in BST)[/h1]
6AM - In game messages commence
8AM - Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers offline to deploy changes
2PM - Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers back online and Update 18.08 available to download.
*Please note that these times are estimates and are subject to change.
[h1]18.08 ]Update Notes[/h1]
[b]Features of Note:[/b]
[list][*]Added Lakon Type-8 Transporter for early access
[list][*]In world holo-screen adverts now present for Type-8 Transporter[/list]
[*]Added new pre-built ships: to the store:
[list][*]Type-8 Transporter Stellar (33,000 Arx)
[*]Type-8 Transporter Standard (16,520 Arx)
[*]Passenger Jumpstart - Beluga Liner (25,500 Arx)
[*]Bounty Hunter Jumpstart - Vulture (25,500 Arx)[/list]
[*]Python MkII now included in the general Shipyard stock for Odyssey players. [/list]
[b]Engineering Changes[/b]
Alterations made to the engineering ruleset and systems:
[list][*]Updated engineer rolls to consistently give a fixed roll depending on the grade of the recipe and the commander rank with the engineer.
[list][*]Increased Material availability/payout at Grade 4/5 farming locations by increasing sources of materials and in some cases payout per source.
[*]Increased Engineering material rewards across missions.
[list][*]Up to 24 depending on mission type, material and mission difficulty[/list]
[*]Updated unlock requirements for some engineers:
[list][*]Hero Ferrari - Settlement Defence Plans required = 5 (down from 15)
[*]Yarden Bond - Smear Campaign Plans required = 5 (down from 8)
[*]Wellington Beck - Cat Media, Classic Entertainment or Multimedia Entertainment required = 15 (total)
[*]Kit Fowler - Opinion Polls required = 5 (down from 10)[/list]
[*]Removed Power Regulators from recipes
[*]Reduced recipe costs for upgrading and modifying on-foot suits and weapons
[*]Backpack Capacity Changes:
[list][*]Maverick suit
Goods capacity 15 → 40
Assets capacity 30 → 60
Data Capacity 10 → 20
[*]Artemis suit
Goods Capacity 10 → 20
Assets capacity 20 → 40
Data Capacity 10 → 10
[*]Dominator suit
Goods capacity 5 → 10
Assets capacity 10 → 20
Data Capacity 10 → 10[/list][*]Contributing to taking a Thargoid controlled or invasion system will now reward engineering materials upon system completion.
[*]All Grade 4 Raw & Grade 5 Encoded/Manufactured engineering materials are eligible as rewards.
[*]Rewards are determined by percentile individual Commander contribution:
Tier 1 - Top 25% - 120
Tier 2 - Top 75% - 60
Tier 3 - Bottom 25% - 18
[*]2 materials are picked randomly from each material category (Raw/Encoded/Manufactured) for a total of 6 different rewarded materials.
For example, a Commander within the top tier can expect to receive 20 materials of 6 different types, for 120 total.
[*]Materials are randomised per system, so all Commanders contributing to a system will receive the same type of materials when that system is completed.
[*]Rewards will take you to the microresource cap but not over.
[*]Any rewards which would have been over the cap will be lost. Careful monitoring of your inventory and usage of materials traders is advised.
[*]Rewards are issued on an hourly basis and an inbox message will inform you of your achieved tier.
[*]Contributions will be logged from the release of 18.08 onwards.
[*]Contributions will not be reset on the weekly turn, and will therefore carry over between weeks until the system is completed.[/list][b]Issue Tracker[/b]
[list][*] Fixed LOD issue with Orca resulting in holes in ships model when viewed at distances.
[*] Fix for missile racks not firing correctly
[*] Fixed Python Mk2 hull & integrity being unable to be repaired [/list][b]Bugs/Adjustments[/b]
[list][*]Fixed a crash while idling in the pre-built ships store.
[*]Updated the new CMDR packages stats to more accurately reflect the content
[*]Release fee for Pre-Built Ships now calculated correctly when ship has been impounded
[*]Fix for luxury cabins not counting as suitable for lower classes of passengers.
[*]Removed power draw from Experimental Weapons Stabilizer modules
[*]Removed SCO mass lock from small planets to be consistent with medium and large planets
[*]Added SCO fuel consumption stat when viewing the module
[*]Fixed an issue where ships could jitter whilst using AutoDock & AutoLaunch
[*]Fixed some visual effects not playing correctly after sabotaging dropboxes at Thargoid spire sites.
[*]Adjusted orbit lines to display cleaner in various instances. [/list]