[h1]Patch notes for Version 1.1.0[/h1] A huge thank you to all the playtesters and early streamers who's feedback made it possible for me to finish this patch in time for the games official release. [h2]New Features:[/h2] [h3]Card Gallery[/h3] [list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44907690/b257c6b43b10f7f363f680c252e1e36312950123.png[/img] [*] I added a Card Gallery to the main menu so you can view all of your discovered cards. [*] New cards are added as soon as you see them in the world (Either as a potential post-battle reward or as a potential Narrative Encounter rewards) [*] You don't need to actually choose them and add them to your deck in order for them to appear in the Card Gallery. [/list] [h3]Danger Level Tracker[/h3] [list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44907690/aaa987db0c860086d1681e8750b72488ce642e2f.png[/img] [*] A visual 'Danger Level' Tracker has been added to the top of the map scene to help. [*] This Danger Level determines the types of enemies you'll have to face in battle. [*] The game has 4 'Danger Levels', and the counter will slowly increase as you travel around the world fighting battles and overcoming narrative events. [*] This means you'll have to balance exploration with heading towards the boss, as random battles will grow progressively more difficult the longer you take to finish your quest. [/list] [h3]Very Hard Difficulty Mode Added[/h3] [list] [*] As requested, I've added an additional 'Very Hard' difficulty Mode, accessible in the main menu. [*] It raises the enemy HP and default attack and defence values of all enemy actions in the world. [*] I won't be using it personally, but you guys who requested it have fun... [/list] [h2]Balance Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Added visual hints of shop locations to starting map. (Shops are the main source of healing in the game and a lot of new players weren't finding them as most are intentionally placed off the direct line paths to the quest bosses...) [*] Added a new shine animation to blessings that plays whenever certain blessings are triggered. (To help players notice when an enemy counter-attacks or add wounds due to inflicting unblocked damage) [*] Adjusted the frequency of certain enemy encounter types (previously Elemental enemies were appearing too often, while others such as spiders, dwarfs and orcs were too rare - this was leading to more encounters against enemy combinations that countered and inflicted lots of wounds.) [*] Added an additional mini-tutorial to remind new players to play wound cards in order to get rid of them. [*] Reduced the cost of card destruction in shops to make it easier to streamline your deck (you can use it to remove wound cards too, though you should really just play them in battle to destroy them...) [*] Reduced the cost of most items sold by random Narrative Encounters to make them more tempting. [*] Increased drop rate of regeneration and cleanse potions. [*] reduced HP of several 'tanky' enemies like the human knights as certain battle configurations tended to drag a bit. [*] reduced HP of several enemies with 'counter-attack' blessings, making them more susceptible to being killed with fewer 'big' attacks cards. [*] reduced negative outcome of 'Pushy Merchant' Narrative Encounter (him stealing 100s of gold was a bit too much) [*] Reduced the highest default block values of certain enemy actions [*] Reduced the highest attack values of certain enemy actions that also inflict a debuff. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Russian Localization improvements (Thanks for your suggestions Nitablade!) [*] Fixed Blocking bug when selecting second option on Hypnotizing Artefact Encounter. [*] Stopped Vampire and champion blessings from over-healing when killing enemies with multi-hit cards. [*] Item tooltips are now displayed correctly when on map screen [*] Resolution drop-down in the settings menu now displays correctly at low resolutions [*] Fixed tooltip text for all counterattack potions [*] stopped auto-highlighting cards & buttons on encounter screen when using mouse so the tooltip doesn't get in the way. [*] Fixed bug with 'Poison Cloud' card - secondary effect now correctly inflicts poison on the player [/list]