[h2]If this is your first trip to the Lands Between, there are things that you should know before you embark on your journey to overthrow the demigods. [url=https://bnent.eu/ER-Five-Tips]Here are a few tips that you might not find in the tutorial menus ↓[/url][/h2] [h3]Summary[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Tip #1[/b] Character Levels Aren’t Everything [*] [b]Tip #2[/b] Study Your Surroundings [*] [b]Tip #3[/b] Summons have levels too [*] [b]Tip #4[/b] Use your D-Pad [*] [b]Tip #5[/b] Don’t Forget Torrent [/list] [url=https://bnent.eu/ER-Five-Tips][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41005067/992943c6c640eb80fb3f18e5d7037c241a743fd2.jpg[/img] [/url]