
As one of the best Dark Souls-like games on PC, some of the most terrifying moments in Elden Ring - far more so than any of the game's bosses - are when the player's world gets invaded by another player. However, a Reddit user has found a novel way to get rid of invaders - tricking them by pretending to be an NPC.

Elden Ring is one of the greatest RPGs on PC and a perfect successor to Dark Souls - and, just like in FromSoftware's most famous series, players can choose to invade other worlds and challenge other players on their home turf. PvP multiplayer is a bit more optional in Elden Ring than in Dark Souls, but it's still just as nerve-wracking.

However, Reddit user xdc_lis came up with a novel way to deal with invaders in their world - by tricking the opposing player by dressing up as a regular enemy NPC soldier and then pretending to be them on their regular route.

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