Thank you to everyone who has been playing and providing us with great suggestions and feedback. We have a bigger patch on the way but this one addresses some of the more important bugs that you have reported. [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Chickens can no longer be hit by the bear trap when in the cage. [*]Cage (the chicken) can no longer escape the cage. [*]Fixed issue where players would fall through the floor after jumping in the cage. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*]Can now see "In Progress" games in the server browser. [*]Farmer traps are now slightly larger. [*]Added more translations for Brazilian Portuguese. [/list] If you find any bugs please post them in our Discord or if you have suggestions on how to improve the game please leave us a review! Thanks, TwoShoedLou