Today, we have a special edition of Gridiron Notes to share with you. Some things you may already be familiar with but we might have a couple surprises so keep coming back each day to see what’s new in Madden NFL 25! [h3]#25 - BOOM Tech[/h3] An injection of real-world physics into that animation-branching technology; and aptly named after Coach Madden’s most famous catchphrase - BOOM! Players will feel the new tackling system during any one-on-one tackle, where physics will determine a wide variety of dynamic outcomes based on the weight, speed, momentum, squareness of the hit, and player ratings, while keeping players in full control. BOOM Tech is composed of three features: Physics Based Tackling, Reloaded Hit Stick, and the all-new Physics-Driven Ball Carrier Balance and Recovery System. [h3]#24 - Physics Based Tackling[/h3] Physics Based Tackling is a dynamic animation selection informed by real-world physics where you’ll see Hit Sticks, Cut Sticks, Trucks, Stiff-Arms and Dive Tackles be more authentic and unpredictable. Three key components of a physics based tackle: [list] [*] [b]Pre-Impact Moment: [/b]You’ll see ball carriers anticipate and brace for impact while having full control to change direction, perform a skill move, or stay in your current locomotion until contact - all without feeling suction or pre-animation alignment. The system constantly re-evaluates potential tackles based on player poses, movement direction, and speed leading to more variety in tackle initiation. [*] [b]Moment of Impact: [/b]Utilizes a physics-based muscle-strength toolset allowing big ball carriers like Derrick Henry to be tuned stronger than a lighter ball carrier such as Jahmyr Gibbs. The muscle-strength tuning is then combined with the force, velocity, momentum, player ratings and leverage of both players to determine the strength of the tackle impact, and the direction of the force on the tackle interaction. [*] [b]Tackle Resolution:[/b] No predetermined conclusions here! BOOM Tech allows the system to dynamically select from a variety of tackle animations and branch to as many as necessary to fulfill all the requests coming from physics. All of this leads to emergent hit types, variety of stumbles, and unpredictable outcomes providing more visceral impact and control. [/list] [h3]#23 - Reloaded Hit Stick[/h3] Did you know it's the 20th anniversary of Madden NFL’s most iconic mechanic of all-time, the Hit Stick? Madden NFL 25 features an all-new timing based Hit Stick that introduces more skill and control than ever before. Accompanied by its own on-field feedback system so you can land the satisfaction of a perfect Hit Stick and hear the crowd roar. How it works: Hit Sticks factor in the timing of the hit and angle of approach by the defender, in addition to player ratings and muscle-strength tuning. The hit power at the point of impact will be reduced if your timing is too early, too late, or if a bad angle is taken. Tackle and Hit Power ratings will influence the timing windows, so that the chances of having a successful Hit Stick will increase when attempting with high-Hit Power players. [h3]#22 - Physics-Driven Ball Carrier Balance & Recovery System[/h3] The third and final piece of the BOOM Tech feature set: Physics-Driven Ball Carrier Balance & Recovery System. A ball carrier's ability to stay on their feet is a highly sought after skill in the league. In Madden NFL 25, you’ll see ball carriers stumble and recover their balance taking a hit and the outcomes are based upon several factors: [list] [*] [b]Quality of the Tackle: [/b]You gotta square ‘em up! Lower quality tackles, glancing hits, being too early or late, may not bring the ball carrier down, but can influence the angle and distance the ball carrier will move while in a stumble recovery. [*] [b]Torque:[/b] Depending on the rotation of the ball carrier during a hit, you may see them spin or turn while recovering. [*] [b]Foot Position:[/b] If the ball carrier’s foot position is not in a state where they could realistically recover, even if the hit is not good quality, they won’t be able to recover effectively. [*] [b]Recovery:[/b] The chance for the ball carrier to recover is determined by the position of his center mass relative to his feet and torso, along with player ratings and abilities determining if and how quickly a player can recover, or combined with muscle-strength tuning - remember, bigger and heavier players are going to recover out of broken tackles much differently than smaller and lighter players. [*] [b]BONUS Reason to Play:[/b] Superstar Abilities [/list] Let’s talk about Superstar Abilities that work with BOOM Tech: All ball carrier and tackling abilities have been modified to work together with BOOM Tech! Including some abilities modifying the force at impact, others will have an effect on the timing or squareness of a hit, and others will be a part of the formula in determining the outcome. Here’s some examples of new abilities built to support physics-based tackling: [list] [*] [b]Tireless Runner[/b] - Stamina reduction has no impact on ball carrier’s ability to rebalance on broken tackles [*] [b]Extra Pop[/b] - Increased chance to create a fumble with a perfect Hit Stick [*] [b]Steamroller[/b] - As a ball carrier, significantly harder to be bumped off current path when running at full speed [*] [b]Form Tackler[/b] - timing window is easier to hit [/list] [h3]#21 - Madden Championship Series[/h3] Think you’re the best? Prove it. The Madden Championship Series is back for its 10th season! Register* today at Madden Championship website to compete for your share of the USD $1,700,000 prize pool. First up is the USD $100,000 Regs Kickoff Classic that begins ladder play on 8/14. [img][/img] *Conditions & restrictions apply. See for details. [h3]Foundational Football[/h3] [i]“The fundamentals of the sport are at the forefront of everything we do in gameplay because an authentic and fundamentally-sound replication of the sport is extremely important to our players. Players want maximum control on the sticks and to be rewarded for their football knowledge by winning the chess match of pro football.” [/i]- [url=]Madden NFL 25 Gameplay Deep Dive[/url] We’ve talked about what BOOM Tech provides, but Madden NFL 25 is giving you all new levels of control out there on the field! [h3]#20 - Refreshed Skill Moves[/h3] If you enjoy making defenders look silly, we got you covered. Ball Carrier skill moves have been completely refreshed in Madden NFL 25. We’ve added hundreds of new jukes, spins, high-steps, and hesi’s to go along with new tools for you to get creative to make those highlight-reel runs! Have you ever played a game of Madden and your opponent will not click on to the defender to tackle you, letting their AI defender do the work? To give players more control and tools to deal with tactics like that, we’re introducing a new ball carrier mechanic called the Setup State. After entering the Setup State, you’ll be able to chain skill moves together and leave that defender in the dust. How to use the [b]Setup State:[/b] [olist] [*] Hold down Sprint (RT/R2) and flick down on the right-stick to enter Setup State. [*] Juke, Spin, or really whatever feels right to you based on the defenders. Chain them together and make that highlight play! [/olist] Check out this #ProTip from our development team about stacking jukes and spins when using the Setup State: [list] [*] Back-Right Juke to Spin (Flick right stick down to the right, then roll the right stick down and around the opposite direction) [*] Back-Left Juke to Spin (Flick right stick down to the left, then roll the right stick down and around the opposite direction) [/list] [h3]#19 - Switch Stick[/h3] If you have ever seen a WR cross the face of your zone defender and wished you could easily click-on to that defender to take that option away before the pass? You may be entitled to use the Switch Stick. An all-new and advanced defensive mechanic will give you the ability to quickly switch between your defenders before the pass is thrown. [url=]Madden 25 Defensive Switch Stick[/url] Switch Stick Tips: [list] [*] How to use the Switch Stick: Flick the right-stick (RS) in the direction of the defender you want to switch to prior to the pass. [*] Switch Stick only works on pass plays, not run plays! [*] If your defender is blitzing or pass rushing, you won’t be able to flick the RS but you can still switch defenders by holding B/Circle and flicking the left-stick (LS) directionally to switch to a coverage defender. [*] If you’re not into the Switch Stick, no worries, there’s a gameplay setting to turn it off! [/list] [h3]#18 - Blocking[/h3] There’s now ‘flame’ emojis in Madden NFL 25… hold on, let us explain real quick. Significant improvements have been made in the trenches for Madden NFL 25, and for the first time ever, you will be able to see who your offensive line is targeting to block on pass plays before the snap! Speaking of pass blocking schemes, pass protection just got a whole new layer of control by adding 4 new, and authentic, pass protections so you’ll have even more tools at your disposal to deal with pressure: [list] [*] Half-Slide Left/Right: One side of the line is in man blocking, the other side is in zone blocking. [*] Empty: Blocking the five most dangerous threats with the expectation the QB gets the ball out on time. [*] Base: Use this to revert back to the default pass protection for that particular play [/list] Think a cornerback is coming off the edge? Use ‘ID the Mike’ to have your running back to block that corner! Let’s talk about ‘flame’ emojis. If a defender has the ‘flame’ emoji above their head pre-snap, it’s the game letting you know, “Hey, this guy is unblocked and unaccounted for in the pass protection currently.” On top of all that, adjustments have been made to create a more authentic passing pocket by making sure your QB is not outlevering his tackles on the drop back and we have added over 500 new animations across all block types: pass block wins/losses, impact blocks, get-engages, reach blocks, and more! [h3]#17 - Catching[/h3] You: I wish I could attempt those sweet one-handed catches whenever I want. Madden NFL 25: Ok, bet. Yes, you can now decide to one-hand catch every pass if you want - we’re not going to stop you, but the defense certainly might! We have to tell you to be careful though. This new spectacular catch mechanic factors in ratings and does have a higher drop-chance than other catch types. Madden NFL 25 offers even more control with catching than ever before. When you hit a catch button, you are going to get that catch type. You can even switch catch types while the ball is in the air. If you've ever tried to make a RAC catch a bit too close to the sidelines, when, in hindsight, you should have just pressed the possession catch instead... we get it, we've all been there before - well now you can branch if you decide to change your mind and get that desired input. To bring all this catching innovation in Madden NFL 25 to life, over 700 new catching animations were added, including easier access to back-shoulder catches and fades to the back pylon. Also, if you go for an ‘aggressive catch’ and the pass is a little too low, you’ll see new low-height jumping catches to respect your choice on trying to ‘aggressive catch’ a low ball. Too many reasons to count so we’re hitting [b]BONUS [/b]Reasons to play Madden NFL 25 all focused on our Foundational Football gameplay: Coverage Shells: Another tool at your disposal to disguise your defense and deceive the offense! How to use Coverage Shells in Madden NFL 25: [list] [*] While you’re in the play-call menu: Use Right Stick to toggle through different coverage shells or alignments for that defensive formation. You’ll be able to show Cover 1, Cover 2, Cover 3 and Cover 4 looks to disguise your coverage! [/list] [b]Custom Route Stems: [/b]When hot routing an eligible receiver, you can now determine the length of the initial stem of the route with any route that can be smart-routed. Turn a 5-yard out route into a 15-yard out route or turn a 10-yard post route into a 20-yard post route, the choice is yours and you have full control! This creator mechanic will allow you to modify any route that can be smart-routed. Hold L1 and LS to extend by 1 yard at a time, or use the D-Pad for 5-yard increments. [b]New NFL Kickoff: [/b]Yes, Madden NFL 25 has the new NFL kickoff rules! Experience the new [url=]NFL Hybrid Kickoff Rules[/url] in Madden NFL 25 before you see it on Sunday. But did you know with the new NFL kickoff in Madden NFL 25, we also have some new components all focused on giving you more control: [list] [*] Personnel Packages: Before selecting your kickoff formation, you can use the Right-Stick to select different personnel packages for kickoffs! [*] Depth Chart: Now you will have even more freedom to substitute other positions as Kickers and Returners! [*] DIY Trick Play Kickoff Returns: We have a new mechanic for kickoffs where you can choose to manually hand off to a reverse player… OR NOT! [/list] [b]New Kick Meter Options:[/b] Madden players will now have 2 kick meter options available to choose from. You can still use the legacy Madden NFL Kick Meter. The new Kick Meter option features two meters: Horizontal meter for accuracy and a vertical meter for power. [b]New Read Option Mechanics:[/b] Read Option mechanics have been updated to better reflect the intuitive nature of having your QB “pull the ball” and become more aligned with how RPO’s (Run-Pass Options) work. How to hand the ball off on a Read Option in Madden NFL 25: [list] [*] Do nothing! The ball will automatically be handed off to the running back on all Read Options, just like RPOs! [/list] How to keep the ball with your Quarterback on a Read Option in Madden NFL 25: Check out the [url=]Madden NFL 25 Deep Dive [/url]to learn even more! [h3]#16 - NEW NFL Jerseys[/h3] Is your favorite team dropping a new jersey this NFL season? Don’t worry, Madden NFL 25 has the new team threads! [img][/img] [img][/img] [h3]#15 - NFL International Helmet Decals[/h3] I bet you didn’t know Madden NFL 25 authenticity spread to the international helmet decals that NFL players will have on their helmets this season! [img][/img] [h3]#14 - First Look @ Rookies[/h3] Nothing better than hopping on the sticks with your favorite team’s new rookies. Get a sneak peek at some upcoming NFL rookies in Madden NFL 25! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h3]#13 - NEW Commentary Teams[/h3] Not one, not two, but THREE Commentary Teams will be featured in Madden NFL 25. Get immersed with these two new commentary teams that recorded 195+ hours of content and more commentary content along the way after launch: [list] [*] Mike Tirico and Greg Olsen [*] Kate Scott and Brock Huard [/list] Of course, we still have Brandon Gaudin and Charles Davis who have provided Madden NFL with a ton of commentary depth over the past 8 years! [img][/img] [b]Bonus Reason: [/b]Did you know Madden NFL 25 features a whole new scoreboard with a fresh design and now at the bottom of your screen for a much more immersive experience? Well now you do! [h3]#12 - Team Builder[/h3] Customize a whole new team and bring them into Franchise mode with Team Builder! You’ll be able to upload your own logos, personalize your uniforms, helmets, and field, PLUS you can create every player on your roster if you want with the Team Builder website. After that, you can import your team into Madden NFL 25’s Franchise mode and start your journey. Also fun fact, you can import up to 32 Team Builder teams into a Franchise. Team Builder also has a download center where you can check out and download other teams created by the community! Team Builder content can be used in Franchise mode on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC versions. Internet connection & EA account required. Applicable platform account may be required. Age restrictions may apply. [h1]So Many Ways To Play[/h1] No matter how you want to play, Madden NFL 25 features fresh ways to play and we’re sharing them ALL! [h3]# 11 - NEW Online Ranked Head-To-Head[/h3] Pick your favorite NFL team and climb redesigned leaderboards by playing competitive seasons and mastering the new ranked structure in head-to-head divisions. Progress through divisions to gauge success; only the best of the best will qualify for a spot in the elite Top 100 division. Experience improved online games through enhancements to the Madden NFL 25 matchmaking system. Based on extensive data and research into what kinds of matchups players enjoy the most, several new factors will be considered when matching with opponents, including your current division and playstyle. [h3]# 10 - NEW Mini-Games & Gauntlet[/h3] Brush up on your skills, go for high scores, or just have some fun with 15 new mini-game experiences being added PLUS an all-new Gauntlet experience. Some new mini-games we recommend checking out: [list] [*] [b]Pocket Presence [/b]- A returning classic that tests your ability to throw the ball accurately while responding to threats in the pocket. [*] [b]Pitch Party[/b] - A lateral laden trek down the field to confuse defenders and reach the end zone. [*] [b]Backfield Survival [/b]- Fan-favorite Backfield Survival is getting a new twist, where you only earn points from celebrating in your pursuers’ faces. [*] [b]Bucket Drop[/b] - Practice your Skill Based Passing by smashing as many scattered targets as possible before the time expires. [*] [b]Two Minute Drill[/b] - Control the full team, utilize all your playbook has to offer, and try to simultaneously clinch the game and drain the clock. [/list] If you feel like you have conquered all the mini-games, we’re challenging you to take your skills to the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet features over 100 different challenges with Bonus Challenges, Boss Levels, and an ever-increasing difficulty. With over 100 different challenges, each with their own variability, including Bonus Challenges, Boss Levels, and an ever-increasing difficulty. The Gauntlet is not only about survival, it’s also about how many points you can acquire in your run! Can you conquer the infinite halls of the Gauntlet? [h3]# 9 - Franchise[/h3] Check out our [url=]Madden NFL 25 Franchise & Presentation Deep Dive[/url] to learn more! …OR we’ll just bullet it out for you! Franchise mode on PS5®, Xbox Series X|S and PC is revamped and recharged with features that build on the realism and immersion: [list] [*] NFL Draft Night is more authentic than ever with a rebuilt environment, fresh player fits, iconic moments, a draft prospect board that’s easier to navigate, and real-time draft grades. See inside team war rooms and green rooms as the night progresses, then meet Roger Goodell on a new NFL Draft stage in a fresh fit that suits you. [*] Manage personalities through dynamic storylines in team meeting rooms, coach’s offices, press conferences, and practice sidelines. [*] Franchise Central provides simplified league creation tools and delivers more important information at your fingertips, including personal messages and top stories that make your Franchise experience feel more like the NFL in every moment. [*] Core Depth Improvements featuring team and rookie records, improved team roster AI for free agency and draft selections, new draft stories and generators, refined player progression logic focused on younger and older players, revamped news content focused on important games every week and female models in create a coach for the first time, as well as a fresh Super Bowl celebration experience. [*] Tuning and progression across multiple Franchise systems has been altered to ensure teams are smarter, reflecting real NFL strategy. [*] And in case you missed it, Cross-Play is available in Madden NFL 25 Franchise and more! [/list] [h3]# 8 - Superstar & Superstar Showdown[/h3] Did you know you can import your Road to Glory character from EA SPORTS™ College Football 25 into Superstar mode on PS5® and Xbox Series X|S? Take your college football character all the way from Draft class to Super Bowl MVP! You can deep dive into the [url=]Superstar Gridiron Notes [/url]for a full breakdown! …OR we’ll give you the high level on Superstar so you can prepare to live out your NFL journey! Show the world what you’re made of with updates to this action-packed, unique, player-driven mode! Customize your avatar with new archetypes, faces, hair, tattoos, and more. Utilize new Combine drills to grow your avatar, then dominate The League, show off in Showdown, and collect rewards in year-round live events and dynamic seasonal experiences, all while progressing your superstar to Legendary status. Experience what it takes to become a Superstar by completing the new Superstar quest system. Prove to the media, coach, and teammates that you have what it takes to reach superstar status. New Upgrades to the Player Grading feature track even more on-the-field actions and accomplishments. Completely revamped progression curves help you feel like a rookie coming out of the Combine and playing as a seasoned veteran. Update your player abilities to match your archetype and even upgrade your teammates with Team Abilities. These abilities affect you and help your team progress as you upgrade your character through the Journey to Superstardom. Note: College Football 25 is available on PlayStation®4 and Xbox Series X|S; you must play Madden NFL 25 using the same EA account, on the same platform, to import your avatar. Internet connection & all game updates required. Applicable platform account or subscription (sold separately) may also be required. [h3]# 7 - The Classics[/h3] Of course, Madden NFL 25 still has the classics you can always play! Looking for a quick game to play vs the CPU, play against your friend on the couch, or the NFL game of the week? Hop into Play Now with updated rosters through the NFL season! Looking for fast-to-fun gameplay where you draft your team and take on the competition? Superstar KO got you! Superstar KO also offers the ability to squad up with friends and play as real NFL teams against other players online! Madden NFL 25 continues to celebrate the Pro Bowl where you can play with the Pro Bowl roster of the previous NFL season! Looking to hone your skills or check out your favorite team’s playbook? Get your reps in Team Practice or as some of our fans call it, Practice Mode. Team Practice is available under the Training Camp option in the main menu and also inside Ultimate Team - remember, 100 reps before bed! We have a [b]BONUS [/b]way to play… [img][/img] [url=]Madden NFL 25 Mobile Football [/url]is back for its 11th season of action with an authentic and immersive NFL experience accessible in the palm of your hands, anytime, anywhere. From Season Team Training to revamped Playbooks, players can look forward to an array of new features and a host of visual design enhancements. With non-stop content, players can engage in limited-time events alongside the biggest moments of the real-world NFL season to take their Ultimate Team™ to the next level. Download [url=]Madden NFL 25 Mobile Football[/url] today! [b]Ways to Play in Ultimate Team[/b] Building your dream roster full of current NFL players and Legends of the past has never been easier. Play your way and earn rewards all year long in Madden NFL 25 Ultimate Team™, which features all-new ways to play with new online and solo experiences! By the way, this is also the BIGGEST Ultimate Team season in Madden NFL history with EIGHT seasons on the way! [h3]#6 NEW Head-To-Head Ranked[/h3] A new Head-To-Head Ranked experience is entering Ultimate Team this year where you’ll compete for some of the best rewards available! Earn rank points by winning, climb the ranks, and earn sweet rewards along the way. [h3]#5 NEW Weekend Gauntlet[/h3] Get ready to sweat. Weekend Gauntlet challenges you to compete online against others over the weekend for some of the best rewards available in Ultimate Team. Win up to 10 games and become a Weekend Gauntlet Champion, lose 2 and it’s all over for that week. [h3]#4 Champs[/h3] Play up to 20 games during the week in Champs to earn rewards and prepare for the Weekend Gauntlet. You can earn an entry into the Weekend Gauntlet each week by winning 16 Champs games! [h3]#3 NEW Epic & Forge Challenges [/h3] For those who like to play solo and offline in Ultimate Team while earning rewards, these next two reasons are for you! All-new to Madden NFL 25 Ultimate Team: Epic Challenges. Put your stick skills to the test with Epic Challenges that ramp up in difficulty with unique twists along the way. The Gridiron Forge returns! If you’re unfamiliar, the Gridiron Forge challenges are shorter challenges that increase in difficulty each step of the way. [h3]#2 NEW Solo Seasons[/h3] Madden NFL 25 Ultimate Team is introducing an endless play for our beloved offline solo players! The all-new Solo Seasons mimics our ‘Online H2H Seasons’ structure where you will play through a season to make the playoffs and win a Super Bowl - all against AI opponents. Solo Seasons will even allow you to move up in divisions where winning can become a bit more challenging. Completely repeatable, and always available for you to play in between content drops! There’s so many ways to play in Ultimate Team and earn rewards, that we have to share [b]BONUS [/b]ways to play: [list] [*] [b]H2H Seasons:[/b] Great way to get some online H2H reps before checking out Champs or the Weekend Gauntlet. [*] [b]Solo Battles:[/b] No more waiting for your AI opponents to refresh each day - play all 29 Solo Battle games for the week as soon as you want! [*] [b]Practice Mode: [/b]Take your Ultimate Team into practice mode to brush up on your playbook or perfect a new play. [*] [b]Squads: [/b]Play 2v2 or 3v3 matches with friends or other players online in Squads [/list] [h3]#1 Playbooks[/h3] In celebration of the worldwide launch of Madden NFL 25, we wanted to highlight new plays! You’ll be able to call the plays you see on Sunday with our new in-house playbook tool that brings a whole new level of authenticity and team identity to all 32 NFL teams in Madden NFL 25. We have over 900 new plays, and we will be updating playbooks this year to add new plays that NFL teams run during the season that excite our fans! Get ready to run the Miami Dolphins Orbit Motions that took the league by storm last year or run the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl-winning play called Corn Dog! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]