Wow. Just [b]wow[/b]. Thank you so much for your reviews, your kindness, your Tweets, and enjoying this weird little thing I made. It's unexpected, it's overwhelming, it's [i]amazing[/i]. I love this freaky little project and I can't wait to realize some wild places I want to take it. I tried to address some of the most immediately actionable feedback and bugs in a quick week one update. I hope this improves your experience of Dystopika. [h1]Release Notes - v1.0.1[/h1] [h2]Quality of Life Improvements[/h2] [h3]Game Console[/h3] [img][/img] Introducing the Game Console! It can be accessed by pressing the ~ key (or whatever is left of the 1 on your keyboard layout). Currently it is limited to just a few commands but I will be adding more over time. I wanted to introduce a console to not only improve my ability to fix bugs, but also to provide faster iteration on fixing reported problems before doing a full UI integration. Here's some of the first commands. [b]deck[/b] - A quick macro command to force 1280x800 fullscreen on the SteamDeck in case you get locked out of the UI, which may encounter some unsupported scenarios. [b]music-next[/b] - skips to the next track (on shuffle) [b]setting-vsync[/b] - force a vsync count (0,1,2,3,4). 0 is Vsync off [b]setting-targetfps[/b] - target framerate when Vsync is 0 [b]setting-resolution[/b] - force a specific resolution and view mode The game console is [b]EXPERIMENTAL[/b] and recommended only if you're experiencing an issue with the game. [h3]Experimental Branch[/h3] There is now an Experimental Branch for early access to bug fixes. Please drop by [i]#dys_experimental[/i] in the [url=]Discord[/url] to be notified of updates. [h3]New Settings[/h3] [img][/img] [b]Lens Dirt On/Off[/b] Disabled Bloom Lens Dirt in build mode (can still be added in Photo Mode) [b]Blur on Zoom On/Off[/b] Disabled Blur effect when the camera is zoomed in and out. [b]Vsync replaces Target FPS[/b] The Vsync option should better allow you to target a framerate to prevent GPU overheating. [list] [*] Off = unlocked FPS [*] Refresh Rate = target your resolution's refresh rate [*] 1 / 2 = target HALF your resolution's refresh rate [*] 1 / 3 = target 1/3 your resolution's refresh rate [*] 1 / 4 = target 1/4 your resolution's refresh rate [/list] If you'd like to know more of the technicals, you check out the [url=]Unity docs[/url] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Prop unlocks now persist across cities properly. [*] Billboards now have improved transparency handling for custom import images [*] Target FPS has been replaced by a VSYNC option to potentially aid with spicy GPUs. [*] Certain holograms and achievements have been made less RNG-dependent. [*] Some tracklist adjustments have been made to Foundations soundtrack. [*] Vertical Neon Text props now handle line breaks in the right direction [*] Fixed a bug when the game would Save twice when clicking Quick Save [*] The Ad Blimp now initializes random ads from the default ad pool [*] Edit Text/Prop highlights should no longer get stuck when entering and exiting text editing. [/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [list] [*] At low framerates, building movement has difficulty registering [*] Importing the same image to different billboard sizes may result in rotated billboards [*] Using CTRL to snap can sometimes become inverted with the UI control [*] Light Brush neons sometimes do not save properly [*] Some new Translations might be... off. I am currently working on a new solution for Localizations for better workflow as we get ready to expand to new languages. [/list]