Hello! We went back this time and did some cleanup to make sure it didn't pile up on us too badly. For instance, you may have noticed in the [url=https://youtu.be/LlzCrJS1Fho ]seasonal update videos [/url]when I had the camera over three-dimensional terrain, like the hills outside, that dwarves, buildings, and items would disappear whenever they were on the lower levels - it would only print those play elements when they were on the top level being viewed. Not so hard to handle, but I never got around to it. Until now! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34693670/030b03b5888447dd0d029144b141fb2c20142b7e.gif[/img] Now you can see everything down below, not just the terrain. And just a whole lot of other random hanging stuff over the two weeks. It's possible to deconstruct buildings now, set bins and barrel numbers on stockpiles, and place weapon traps. It highlights which object you've recentered the screen on, you can shift the info pane between contained objects and their containers, and you can pop the info pane from held items up to the creature holding them. You can move the camera now by holding and dragging with the middle mouse button in additional to the previous WASD option. It's clearer now which stockpile options are set. Flowers, cloth, and grassy stairs print correctly. You can recenter on announcements, certain mouse clicks don't bleed through menus to the map underneath, and more. Nothing earth-shattering, but all either necessary or very helpful. But enough of that for now! We've started in on the remaining chunky to-do items, and we'll be back with some more interface updates for next time. - Tarn