Hello! Levers in Dwarf Fortress can be hooked up to all sorts of buildings and machines, such as doors, floodgates, gear assemblies, cages, spikes, and bridges. In the old game, this was a reasonably painful process, where mechanisms had to be manually selected, lists scrolled through, and afterward it was very difficult to figure out which lever was linked to which building without just pulling it and seeing what horrible things happened. This has been changed now! In the video, you can see what we currently have: [previewyoutube=VUnbgGmqOhI;full][/previewyoutube] When you click "link lever", two appropriate mechanisms are chosen by default. You decide what to link the lever to by clicking on it, and once you've hooked it up, both the lever and the linked building have a list of links with a recenter option. So hopefully there will be fewer unnecessary tragedies. Patrick has also drawn up some new barrels, with their contents, so that you can get some information about your food stocks at a glance. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34693670/88aa664fa62cba0be3da81aed3b1061acf7f52a6.png[/img] Here we have some dwarven wine and rum, as well as meat, fish, plump helmets and seed bags. - Tarn