Hi! Creatures and items, creatures and items. Here are lots of different seeds. You can grow all sorts of different real world and fantasy plants. Our dwarves like to farm a variety of mushrooms underground, but you can try aboveground plants if you like. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34693670/fa9d01595e2c578379424c6ebad356572f7b9c7c.png[/img] I put them on a glass block floor, since I accidentally put an ice floor in the last news posting when I said it was glass, ha ha. I then spread some of the new treasure items around everywhere, in each of the currency materials. You can also make coins and treasures out of non-currency metals and materials. There were a few other treasures to lay out, but I took the screenshot early, as a lizard started eating my seeds (the guilty party still sits happily in the stockpile.) Normally you can protect seeds from vermin by using bags and barrels, and also by having some trusty cats around to hunt them and bring the remains to their dwarves. Mike in the meantime has drawn many animals over the last several days, among them the remaining birds. Can you name them all? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34693670/d9f705b664f57eb3228924adac2feb111641f1ba.png[/img] I've also been experimenting with the mouse and clickable buttons and other fancy widgets. Animals next to the animal buttons, items next to the item buttons, rather than text text text. DF has had a little patchy mouse support in the past, but we're going to improve that situation for Steam. Hopefully I'll have some to show soon! Artists have to do a pass on my programmer art first, he he he. -Tarn [h3]Kitfox Note[/h3] After a 6 year hiatus, the DF Talk podcast has restarted! Join Rainseeker, Capntastic and the Toady One (Tarn!) as they talk about Dwarf Fortress and answer questions from the forum. [url=https://bay12games.com/dwarves/df_talk.html]You can listen to it here[/url], but fair warning... the volume levels are wonky. (In the words of Tarn, they "suck". Heh.) I figured it was still worth sharing though - think of this as the test run of better and more volume-controlled episodes to come! ;) - Victoria