Hey all, We're absolutely thrilled at all the fun everyone is having and we're hard at work getting those bugs squashed and implementing some of the changes you're requesting. Please leave a review as that really helps us out! Here's what we got. [h3][b]Additions[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Great improvements for predictable level generation (and improved bad cases in normal generation) [*]Predictable level generation toggle and Stop timers toggle no longer disables the achievements in turned on [*]Added completion time for Game Over and Victory screens [*]Added a Win Streak Counter in Progression tab [*]New types of room layouts [*]You can now move the camera when showing the level in game over screen [/list] [h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b]Fixes for level generation:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where generation was breaking if a barricade room tried to spawn near a single wall [*]Fixed a bug where a special room would spawn on top of entrance [*]Improved stability for generation [*]Improved generation for predictable mode (now even more predictable and stable) [/list] [*][b]Fixes for Abyss:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where error room would incorrectly spawn in abyss level in confusion challenge [*]Fixed a bug where last level on Abyss would “jump” after every action [*]Fixed a bug where Abyss would incorrectly restore player marks upon returning to the level [*]Fixed a bug where player would need to take damage to progress the level if he instantly completed it [*]Passive items should now correctly work in Abyss [/list] [/list] Thanks again for all your wonderful feedback and suggestions, please keep them coming and until next time. Happy diving!