[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44899335/5db0ea884e0f40113f1f231c1c6b5e29b6c2febe.jpg[/img] [quote]It’s been a few weeks since the second DUCKSIDE beta concluded now, so we thought it would be a great time to update you all on what’s going on behind the scenes and some of our plans for the coming months![/quote] [hr][/hr] While we’ve shared in our previous announcement some of our short term focuses (much of which is now either complete or well in development) today, we’re going to share some of the longer term development plans and content that we’ll be working on to bring us through to release: [h2]New Biomes[/h2] Grass and trees are great and all, but would ducks even bother migrating if they had some massive desert expanses just a few kilometers down the road, or glacial planes on the other side of a local mountain? Who knows, we’re not duck experts, we’re game developers and we want to add some cool new areas for the ducks to explore without them getting too tired, so we’re going to do that. Alongside the visual changes we talked about in our last development update, DUCKSIDE will be seeing some major visual improvements and additional natural diversity over the coming months! [h2]New Monuments[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44899335/249d41886b4d8b33ea8db075c07e0c1e1848cfa5.jpg[/img] The humans are busy building some new stuff to die in at the hands of some recently sentience-imbued ducks, even going so far as to build off shore now, like that’s going to deter flying creatures that love water... But yeah, we’re working on some cool new POIs to explore, and we’d love to get some suggestions from you folks for additional ones that might fit into this world! [h2]Mixing Table[/h2] Ducks only have so much time in the day, so spending that time crafting items en masse is time that could be spent killing things or building cool nests wasted. Therefore, in the interest of spending more time killing and building, we are introducing a mixing table to speed up the crafting of large amounts of items. [h2]Character Controller Rework[/h2] Telepathic ducks really drive home how crazy the situation has gotten over on the DUCKSIDE Archipelago, but having guns floating around the ducks head detracts a little from the gritty, realistic and somber tone we're going for with this game, so in the interest of being taken seriously once award season comes around, we're working to have the ducks actually hold their weapons. [h2]Shotgun Trap[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LtRdw0V.gif[/img] Trespassing is a crime, and crimes should result in consequences. We feel that being blown to smithereens unexpectedly is a suitable consequence for ducks breaking into your house, so we’ve added shotgun traps to the game. If you’re a nice, law abiding duck, you won’t have to worry about these too much. If you’re the kind of duck that broke into my house and stole all my metal fragments and my crossbow during the last beta, you’re the reason this happened and you should feel bad. [h2]And more![/h2] Obviously, these are just some of the cooler things we’re working on but we’re also coming up with new ideas everyday, and working on a ton of other awesome stuff that we’ll share when the time is right! [h2]DUCKSIDE when?![/h2] Finally, the question you folks have been asking since roughly 0.36s after the last beta ended: “When can we play DUCKSIDE again?” Well, we're working away on the next build of the game as we speak and of course are now making some plans on how to get all your feedback on the latest changes and additions ahead of the official launch, so stay tuned for news! [hr][/hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/r0uXkJC.gif[/img] Don't forget to join the conversation over on [url=https://discord.gg/2umax49Zvu]Discord[/url] and keep up to date with all things DUCKSIDE by following us on social media: [i][list] [*] [url=https://www.facebook.com/PlayDUCKSIDE/]Facebook[/url] [*] [url=https://twitter.com/PlayDUCKSIDE]Twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://www.instagram.com/playduckside/]Instagram[/url] [*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Duckside/]Reddit[/url] [/list][/i] See you in the skies, very soon! - tinyBuild Riga