Thank you everyone for the feedback and patience! I have included in this most recent update the most important/ requested features and fixes according to everyone who has been playing this week. There may still be room for improvement and I will still be open to feedback, but this should solve a lot of the problems players have been having thus far. [b]New Features:[/b] [list] [*]The Mama Duck cursor will now stand above the level last completed in the level select menu instead of returning to the first one [*]Added in experimental Dark Mode palette "Chalkboard" [*]The default control scheme has been made more intuitive for playing a level, with Escape opening the Pause Menu, R and Space being used for Quick Reset, and Q and Enter being used for the Quack Button by default. If you have customized your controls, you may want to revisit and change this layout. [/list] [b]Bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Achievement "Father's Day" unlocks appropriately upon completing every level as Papa Duck [*]When entering the "Game End" scene while playing as Papa Duck, Mama Duck appropriately swaps in [*]The "Congratulations on completing all levels!" alert no longer repeats upon re-entering a level select screen. [*]Fixed bugs involving scrolling through options menu with keyboard [*]Various minor performance boosts [/list] Thanks again everyone for their support and patience this week and I hope these changes will make playing our goofy puzzle game an even more pleasant experience. -GGS