[h1]Time's up![/h1] And the winner is... [u][b]Bady![/b][/u] .. Again? Yup, Bady won the first season of "Drova - Arena" and he proceeded to win the second season as well. JustNexo almost got to him but in the end, Bady prevailed. Check out our [b][url=https://discord.gg/nGV96rByXq]Discord[/url][/b], if you want to congratulate him. Here's the final leaderboard: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40402607/0ee3fe27cef2f13423afa34ce0220a165a6ff31f.png[/img] And here's a compilation of some of the data we collected: [list] [*] Unique players: 234 [*] Started runs: 3383 [*] Completed runs: 383 [*] Deaths: 3000 [*] Sword damage: 2,222,985 [*] 2-Handed Axe damage: 872,801 [*] Spear damage: 779,375 [*] Bow damage: 192,618 [*] Throwing Knives damage: 34,266 [*] Spells with the most damage dealt: Energy Cone (588,277), Aether Ball (570,266) and Vampire Strike (123,243) [/list] [h1]What's next?[/h1] Next up, the winner of the raffle will be determined on 10 January, 2022 at 12 PM CET live on [b][url=https://www.twitch.tv/just2dinteractive]Twitch[/url][/b]. The stream will be in German but they will also be announced in English on our [b][url=https://discord.gg/nGV96rByXq]Discord[/url][/b]. We're in the midst of preparing the work on our main game "Drova - Forsaken Kin", which will commence in April this year. The next season is planned around May or June this year but we can't say for certain when exactly. [h1]Thank you for playing![/h1]