Note: Dragon Spirits 2 contains spoilers for the previous title! After more than two years of work, the second game in the Dragon Spirits series is almost ready for release. Before the launch, we decided to release a free prologue version to adjust the balance between Dragon Spirits and the difficulty of the game. We will do our best to ensure the compatibility of the save files of the prologue version, and if nothing unexpected happens, it will share the same save files with the full version. The main differences between Dragon Spirits 2 and 1: 1. Resolution improved, mouse supported, and controller is under consideration. The correspondence between mouse and controller is not as simple as that between keyboard and controller. 2. The theme is urban fantasy, so the art style is adapted. Due to limited budget, the scene exploration is changed to first-person perspective horizontal scrolling. 3. Each Dragon Spirit has unique combos, with an increase in the number of exclusive skills. We try to avoid one Dragon Spirit being completely a higher substitute of another. 4. The maximum level is increased from 20 to 100. Leveling can suppress opponents with Stats to a certain extent, but the feature of Dragon Spirits series is to use build and tactics to outsmart opponents with high Stats. Level 100 still cannot form a significant suppress against level 90. 5. The EXP distribution system is changed to Cognition Mould system. A Dragon Spirit can be equipped with up to 3 Moulds to adjust its six Stats. Future plans: I'll base the number of future updates on the situation post-release. It's just too much work to make a big dream game, and the risks and pressure are too high. I'd prefer to make some casual games like click games or simulation games (maybe Dragon Spirits Universe?) to chill out...