
How do you complete the Feast of Deception quest in Dragon's Dogma 2? Out of all the tasks that Captain Brant gives you, this is by far the simplest. However, it's also marks the point of no return as you'll attempt to attend the coronation of the false Sovrin.

If you have come this far in Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll surely have accomplished many of Captain Brant's other requests. That said, some of these are optional, so make sure you use the Dragon's Dogma 2 map in order to find the locations for the enemies in Dragon's Dogma 2 Monster Culling and the settlement where the false Sovrin is from in Dragon's Dogma 2 Nameless Village. Once you're ready, we'll explain what to do below for Feast of Deception.

This guide contains spoilers for the Feast of Deception quest in the early game, including the story.

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