The New Frontiers Update is Here
Author: krAnk0r,
published 1 year ago,
Sometimes Dota gameplay patches are small. Sometimes they can get pretty big.
This one... is huge.
It’s got all the things you were probably expecting — balance changes, new items, hero reworks, UI improvements. But we also included a few changes you probably weren't expecting, like a new hero attribute type and — brace yourself — the map is now 40% bigger.
But all these new gameplay features won’t matter if the match you get into isn’t a good one. So we’re also shipping some much-needed matchmaking improvements.
Excited? Confused? Head on over to [url=]the New Frontiers update page[/url] for all the details.
But don’t head over just yet, read this sentence first: The Berlin major is on April 26th, and Fantasy/Player Cards are now available. Okay, now go. Here’s the [url=]link[/url] again.